Alina G. Constantin

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"Alina Constantin"
Mean distance: 15.53 (cluster 29)
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Cressman EK, Salomonczyk D, Constantin A, et al. (2021) Proprioceptive recalibration following implicit visuomotor adaptation is preserved in Parkinson's disease. Experimental Brain Research
Monteon JA, Constantin AG, Wang H, et al. (2010) Electrical stimulation of the frontal eye fields in the head-free macaque evokes kinematically normal 3D gaze shifts. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104: 3462-75
Constantin AG, Wang H, Martinez-Trujillo J, et al. (2010) Frames of reference for gaze shifts in lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP) Journal of Vision. 6: 914-914
Constantin AG, Wang H, Monteon JA, et al. (2009) 3-Dimensional eye-head coordination in gaze shifts evoked during stimulation of the lateral intraparietal cortex. Neuroscience. 164: 1284-302
Constantin AG, Wang H, Martinez-Trujillo JC, et al. (2007) Frames of reference for gaze saccades evoked during stimulation of lateral intraparietal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 98: 696-709
Constantin AG, Wang H, Crawford JD. (2004) Role of superior colliculus in adaptive eye-head coordination during gaze shifts. Journal of Neurophysiology. 92: 2168-84
Klier EM, Wang H, Constantin AG, et al. (2002) Midbrain control of three-dimensional head orientation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 295: 1314-6
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