Bruce Trapp, PhD

Neurosciences The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States 
"Bruce Trapp"
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Singh V, Zheng Y, Ontaneda D, et al. (2024) Disability independent of cerebral white matter demyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathologica. 148: 34
Liu X, Xin DE, Zhong X, et al. (2024) Small-molecule-induced epigenetic rejuvenation promotes SREBP condensation and overcomes barriers to CNS myelin regeneration. Cell
Chomyk A, Kucinski R, Kim J, et al. (2024) Transcript Profiles of Microglia/Macrophage Cells at the Borders of Chronic Active and Subpial Gray Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Neurology
Marziali LN, Hwang Y, Palmisano M, et al. (2023) p38γ MAPK delays myelination and remyelination and is abundant in multiple sclerosis lesions. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Ghezzi L, Bollman B, De Feo L, et al. (2023) Schwann Cell Remyelination in the Multiple Sclerosis Central Nervous System. Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology. 100128
Chen Z, Hu W, Mendez MJ, et al. (2023) Neuroprotection by Preconditioning in Mice is Dependent on MyD88-Mediated CXCL10 Expression in Endothelial Cells. Asn Neuro. 15: 17590914221146365
Licht-Mayer S, Campbell GR, Mehta AR, et al. (2022) Axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination and complex IV activity within demyelinated axons in experimental models of multiple sclerosis. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology. e12851
Baltan S, Jawaid SS, Chomyk AM, et al. (2021) Neuronal hibernation following hippocampal demyelination. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 9: 34
Licht-Mayer S, Campbell GR, Canizares M, et al. (2020) Enhanced axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination offers neuroprotection: implications for multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathologica
Das A, Bastian C, Trestan L, et al. (2019) Reversible Loss of Hippocampal Function in a Mouse Model of Demyelination/Remyelination. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 13: 588
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