Colleen L. Schneider

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Visual System, Plasticity, Rehabilitation
"Colleen Schneider"
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Bruce Trapp research assistant 2009-2009 Cleveland Clinic
Wendy B. Macklin research assistant 2010-2010 University of Colorado, Denver
Yingxi Lin research assistant 2011-2013 MIT
Bradford Z. Mahon grad student 2015- Rochester


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Bogachan Sahin collaborator 2015- Rochester
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Schneider CL, Prentiss EK, Busza A, et al. (2022) FLUORESCE: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of Fluoxetine for Vision Recovery After Acute Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology : the Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Paul DA, Strawderman E, Rodriguez A, et al. (2021) Empty Sella Syndrome as a Window Into the Neuroprotective Effects of Prolactin. Frontiers in Medicine. 8: 680602
Schneider CL, Majewska AK, Busza A, et al. (2019) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for functional recovery after stroke: similarities with the critical period and the role of experience-dependent plasticity. Journal of Neurology
Schneider CL, Prentiss EK, Busza A, et al. (2019) Survival of retinal ganglion cells after damage to the occipital lobe in humans is activity dependent. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20182733
Busza A, Schneider CL, Williams ZR, et al. (2019) Using Vision to Study Poststroke Recovery and Test Hypotheses About Neurorehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 33: 87-95
Schneider CL, Prentiss EK, Busza A, et al. (2019) Primary Visual Cortex is Active in Response to Stimulation of Phenomenally Blind Areas of the Visual Field in Patients with Cortical Blindness Journal of Vision. 19: 34c
Schneider CL, Busza A, Prentiss EK, et al. (2019) Abstract TMP43: Fluoxetine May Enhance Visual Recovery After Acute Ischemic Stroke by Cortical Remapping of the Blind Visual Field Stroke. 50
Prentiss EK, Schneider CL, Williams ZR, et al. (2018) Spontaneous in-flight accommodation of hand orientation to unseen grasp targets: A case of action blindsight. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 1-9
Schneider C, Prentiss E, Busza A, et al. (2017) Do areas of retinal ganglion cell degeneration coincide with areas of decreased representation in V1 following stroke? Journal of Vision. 17: 47
Sørensen AT, Cooper YA, Baratta MV, et al. (2016) A robust activity marking system for exploring active neuronal ensembles. Elife. 5
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