Mary E. Meloy, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology Georgetown University, Washington, DC 
Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Social Work
"Mary Meloy"
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Deborah A. Phillips grad student 2012 Georgetown
 (Child development at the intersection of early care and education and child welfare.)
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Meloy ME, Lipscomb ST, Baron MJ. (2015) Linking state child care and child welfare policies and populations: Implications for children, families, and policymakers Children and Youth Services Review. 57: 30-39
Phillips DA, Meloy ME. (2012) High-quality school-based pre-k can boost early learning for children with special needs Exceptional Children. 78: 471-490
Lipscomb ST, Lewis KM, Masyn KE, et al. (2012) Child care assistance for families involved in the child welfare system: Predicting child care subsidy use and stability Children and Youth Services Review. 34: 2454-2463
Meloy ME, Phillips DA. (2012) Rethinking the role of early care and education in foster care Children and Youth Services Review. 34: 882-890
Meloy ME, Phillips DA. (2012) Foster children and placement stability: The role of child care assistance Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 33: 252-259
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