Kent E. Hutchison

"Kent Hutchison"
Mean distance: 21.03 (cluster 29)


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Tracie D. Giargiari grad student 2002 CU Boulder
Amy W. Helstrom grad student 2003 CU Boulder
Mark A. Ilgen grad student 2003 CU Boulder
John  E. McGeary grad student 2003 CU Boulder
Heather LaChance grad student 2004 CU Boulder
Laura E. Sobik grad student 2007 CU Boulder
Eric D. Claus grad student 2008 CU Boulder
Anna R. Peters grad student 2008 CU Boulder
Vyga G. Kaufmann grad student 2009 CU Boulder
Sara K. Blaine grad student 2009-2014 CU Boulder


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Nicole Prause collaborator 2010-2015 CU Boulder
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Qiu L, Liang C, Kochunov P, et al. (2024) Associations of alcohol and tobacco use with psychotic, depressive and developmental disorders revealed via multimodal neuroimaging. Translational Psychiatry. 14: 326
Cao Z, McCabe M, Callas P, et al. (2023) Recalibrating single-study effect sizes using hierarchical Bayesian models. Frontiers in Neuroimaging. 2: 1138193
Maggioni E, Rossetti MG, Allen NB, et al. (2023) Brain volumes in alcohol use disorder: Do females and males differ? A whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging mega-analysis. Human Brain Mapping
Skrzynski CJ, Karoly H, Ellingson J, et al. (2023) Comparing the efficacy of mindfulness-based relapse prevention versus relapse prevention for alcohol use disorder: A randomized control trial. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs
Cao Z, Cupertino RB, Ottino-Gonzalez J, et al. (2022) Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern. Molecular Psychiatry
Ottino-Gonzalez J, Albaugh MD, Cao Z, et al. (2021) Brain structural covariance network differences in adults with alcohol dependence and heavy drinking adolescents. Addiction (Abingdon, England)
Karoly HC, Skrzynski CJ, Moe EN, et al. (2021) Exploring relationships between alcohol consumption, inflammation, and brain structure in a heavy drinking sample. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Rossetti MG, Patalay P, Mackey S, et al. (2021) Gender-related neuroanatomical differences in alcohol dependence: findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group. Neuroimage. Clinical. 30: 102636
Grace S, Rossetti MG, Allen N, et al. (2021) Sex differences in the neuroanatomy of alcohol dependence: hippocampus and amygdala subregions in a sample of 966 people from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group. Translational Psychiatry. 11: 156
Cao Z, Ottino-Gonzalez J, Cupertino RB, et al. (2021) Mapping cortical and subcortical asymmetries in substance dependence: Findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group. Addiction Biology. e13010
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