King-Wai Yau

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
vision, olfaction
"King-Wai Yau"
Mean distance: 12.33 (cluster 31)


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John G. Nicholls grad student 1975 Harvard
Denis A. Baylor post-doc 1976-1979 Stanford
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin post-doc 1979-1980 Cambridge


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Tsung-Yu Chen grad student MIT
Maria E. Grunwald grad student
Chih-Chun Lin grad student Johns Hopkins Medical School
Chang Liu grad student Johns Hopkins Medical School
Qian Wang grad student Johns Hopkins Medical School
Wendy Yue grad student 2009- Johns Hopkins Medical School
Yanghui Sheng grad student 2011- Johns Hopkins Medical School
Daniel Silverman grad student 2011- Johns Hopkins Medical School
Haining Zhong grad student 2002 Johns Hopkins
Vikas Bhandawat grad student 2005 Johns Hopkins
Chih-Ying Su grad student 2006 Johns Hopkins
Hsi-Wen Rock Liao grad student 2001-2007 Johns Hopkins
Ning Cheng grad student 2009 Johns Hopkins
Yair Ben-Chaim post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Lihui Cao post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Zuying Chai post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Yingbin Fu post-doc University of Utah
Rong-Chi Huang post-doc Chang Gung University School of Medicine
Vladimir Kefalov post-doc Washington University
Yiannis Koutalos post-doc MUSC
Takashi Kurahashi post-doc Osaka University
Rongchang Li post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Mingyao Liu post-doc Texa A&M Health Science Center
Dong-Gen Luo post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Kei Nakatani post-doc Johns Hopkins
You-Wei Peng post-doc Boys Town National Research Hospital
Johannes Reisert post-doc Johns Hopkins
Xiaozhi Ren post-doc Johns Hopkins Medical School
Jean Schroeder post-doc HHMI
Takashi Tsunenari post-doc Yamagata University
Wei-Hong Xiong post-doc OHSU
Wei-Ping Yu post-doc UC Davis
Tian Xue post-doc 2006- Johns Hopkins Medical School
Samer S. Hattar post-doc 2004 Johns Hopkins
Jonathan Bradley post-doc 2001-2005 Johns Hopkins Medical School
Michael Tri H. Do post-doc 2004-2011 Johns Hopkins Medical School
Zheng Jiang post-doc 2009-2018 Johns Hopkins Medical School


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Alan R. Kay collaborator UTMB
BETA: Related publications


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Chai Z, Ye Y, Silverman D, et al. (2024) Dark continuous noise from mutant G90D-rhodopsin predominantly underlies congenital stationary night blindness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2404763121
Li G, Chen L, Jiang Z, et al. (2023) Coexistence within one cell of microvillous and ciliary phototransductions across M1- through M6-IpRGCs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2315282120
Chen L, Li G, Jiang Z, et al. (2022) Unusual phototransduction via cross-motif signaling from G to adenylyl cyclase in intrinsically photosensitive retinalganglion cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2216599120
Li RC, Molday LL, Lin CC, et al. (2022) Low signaling efficiency from receptor to effector in olfactory transduction: A quantified ligand-triggered GPCR pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2121225119
Kim YJ, Peterson BB, Crook JD, et al. (2022) Origins of direction selectivity in the primate retina. Nature Communications. 13: 2862
Sheng Y, Chen L, Ren X, et al. (2021) Molecular determinants of response kinetics of mouse M1 intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. Scientific Reports. 11: 23424
Chai Z, Silverman D, Li G, et al. (2020) Light-dependent photoreceptor orientation in mouse retina. Science Advances. 6
Luo DG, Silverman D, Frederiksen R, et al. (2020) Apo-Opsin and Its Dark Constitutive Activity across Retinal Cone Subtypes. Current Biology : Cb
Silverman D, Chai Z, Yue WWS, et al. (2020) Dark noise and retinal degeneration from D190N-rhodopsin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Sato M, Tsuji T, Yang K, et al. (2020) Cell-autonomous light sensitivity via Opsin3 regulates fuel utilization in brown adipocytes. Plos Biology. 18: e3000630
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