Carolyn Cave, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
implicit memory
"Carolyn Cave"
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Cave CB, Bost PR, Cobb RE. (1996) Effects of color and pattern on implicit and explicit picture memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 22: 639-53
Cave CB, Squire LR. (1992) Intact and long-lasting repetition priming in amnesia. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 18: 509-20
Cave CB, Squire LR. (1992) Intact verbal and nonverbal short-term memory following damage to the human hippocampus. Hippocampus. 2: 151-63
Cave CB, Squire LR. (1991) Equivalent impairment of spatial and nonspatial memory following damage to the human hippocampus. Hippocampus. 1: 329-40
Squire LR, Cave CB. (1991) The hippocampus, memory, and space. Hippocampus. 1: 269-71
Squire LR, Zola-Morgan S, Cave CB, et al. (1990) Memory: organization of brain systems and cognition. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 55: 1007-23
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