Ronen Cuperman, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Social Psychology, General Religion
"Ronen Cuperman"
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William Ickes grad student 2010 UT Arlington
 (Does our perception of God influence our perception of subjectively "sinful" behaviors?)
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Cuperman R, Robinson RL, Ickes W. (2014) On the Malleability of Self-image in Individuals with a Weak Sense of Self Self and Identity. 13: 1-23
Cuperman R, Ickes W. (2009) Big Five predictors of behavior and perceptions in initial dyadic interactions: personality similarity helps extraverts and introverts, but hurts "disagreeables". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 97: 667-84
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