Shelley R. Hart, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
Educational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Multilingual EducationGoogle:
"Shelley Hart"Mean distance: 11249.1
Sign in to add mentorShane R. Jimerson | grad student | 2011 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(Examining the Psychometric Properties of Two International Student Engagement Forms.) |
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Griffiths A, Alsip J, Hart SR, et al. (2020) Together We Can Do So Much: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework of Collaboration in Schools Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 82957352091536 |
Hart SR, Domitrovich C, Embry DD, et al. (2020) The Effects of Two Elementary School-Based Universal Preventive Interventions on Special Education Students’ Socioemotional Outcomes: Remedial and Special Education. 74193252094160 |
Pierson S, Goto K, Giampaoli J, et al. (2019) Impacts of a Mindful Eating Intervention on Healthy Food-related Behaviors and Mindful Eating Practices among Elementary School Children: A Pilot Study The Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 17: 41-50 |
Hart SR, Pierson S, Goto K, et al. (2018) Development and initial validation evidence for a mindful eating questionnaire for children. Appetite |
Hart SR, Musci RJ, Slemrod T, et al. (2017) A Longitudinal, Latent Class Growth Analysis of the Association of Aggression and Special Education in an Urban Sample Contemporary School Psychology. 22: 135-147 |
Musci RJ, Hart SR, Ballard ED, et al. (2015) Trajectories of Suicidal Ideation from Sixth through Tenth Grades in Predicting Suicide Attempts in Young Adulthood in an Urban African American Cohort. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior |
Newcomer AR, Roth KB, Kellam SG, et al. (2015) Higher Childhood Peer Reports of Social Preference Mediates the Impact of the Good Behavior Game on Suicide Attempt. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research |
Hart SR, Kastelic EA, Wilcox HC, et al. (2014) Achieving Depression Literacy: The Adolescent Depression Knowledge Questionnaire (ADKQ). School Mental Health. 6: 213-223 |
Musci RJ, Hart SR, Ialongo N. (2014) Internalizing antecedents and consequences of binge-eating behaviors in a community-based, urban sample of African American females. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research. 15: 570-8 |
Singh RD, Jimerson SR, Renshaw T, et al. (2011) A Summary and Synthesis of Contemporary Empirical Evidence Regarding the Effects of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (D.A.R.E.) Contemporary School Psychology. 15: 93-102 |