Joshua T. Gaunt, Ph.D.

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
Visual-spatial perception, attention, working memory, and oculomotor programming
"Joshua Gaunt"
Mean distance: 15.1 (cluster 15)


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Travis L. Seymour grad student 2003-2005 UC Santa Cruz
Bruce Bridgeman grad student 2006-2009 UC Santa Cruz
 (Microsaccades and visual -spatial working memory.)
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Gaunt JT, Bridgeman B. (2014) Visual vs. spatial contributions to microsaccades and visual-spatial working memory Journal of Eye Movement Research. 7
Seymour TL, Baker CA, Gaunt JT. (2012) Combining blink, pupil, and response time measures in a concealed knowledge test. Frontiers in Psychology. 3: 614
Gaunt JT, Bridgeman B. (2012) Microsaccades and visual-spatial working memory Journal of Eye Movement Research. 5
Gaunt J, Bridgeman B. (2010) Microsaccade directions are not correlated with cued locations in a spatial working memory task Journal of Vision. 8: 1176-1176
Bridgeman B, Gaunt J, Plumb E, et al. (2008) A test of the sensorimotor account of vision and visual perception. Perception. 37: 811-4; discussion 81
Knight M, Seymour TL, Gaunt JT, et al. (2007) Aging and goal-directed emotional attention: distraction reverses emotional biases. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 7: 705-14
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