University of California, Santa Cruz

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Benjamin S. Abrams2007 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Stefan C AbreoSleep, Aging, Psychedelics, Behaviour, Molecular Biology
Nameera Akhtarlanguage development, cognitive development
Nameera Akhtar
Sulekha Anandbiology19911996 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Barrett R. Anderson Psychology Computational Media20192020 Travis L. Seymour (grad student), Adam M. Smith (grad student)
Kristin Anderson Psychology19921998 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Elliot Aronsonsocial psychology, group processes
Joseph AyersSystems Neurophysiology, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Biomimetics19701975 William J. Davis (grad student)
Melanie M. AyresDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2008 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Margarita AzmitiaDevelopmental Psychology
Chris A. BakerCognitive Psychology20032007 Travis L. Seymour (grad student)
Melissa L. BayneCognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2012 Faye J. Crosby (grad student)
Steve BearmanSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2009 Avril Thorne (grad student)
Corinne Beier Physics2017 Alexander Sher (grad student)
Carmel A. BensonIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2002 Martin M. Chemers (grad student)
Ralph J. Berger
Jennifer A. Betancourt Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2013 Bin Chen (grad student)
Teresa E. BettsComputational modeling, psycholinguistics2010 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Nate Bezayiff2006 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Sabine BlaesiVisual Perception, Action. Embodied Cognition. WM, Dynamical Systems Psychology2014 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Bruce BridgemanVisual system, spatial orientation
Heather M. Brown2007 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Gregory A. Bryantpsycholinguistics, evolutionary psychology19982004 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Heather E. BullockGeneral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare
Kathryn Player Burleson20002005 Colin W. Leach (grad student)
Dana Thyra Byrd2003 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Maureen CallananCognitive and conceptual development
Kim CardillaDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology2008 Avril Thorne (grad student)
Gabriela ChaviraDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2005 Catherine R. Cooper (grad student)
Martin M. ChemersIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology
Trevor H. ChenSpeech science, Mandarin phonetics20012010 Dominic W. Massaro (grad student)
Bin ChenNeurodevelopment
Eric Chen
Chia-Chien ChenNeuroscience MCD Biology Yi Zuo (post-doc)
Eric M. ChiuCrossmodality, Attention, & Perception20052008 Bruce Bridgeman (research assistant)
Kenneth CliftonBehavioral Ecology, Life History Evolution Peter Raimondi (post-doc)
Bradley M. ColquittBirdsong, molecular biology
Max D. Comess2011 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Beverly ConriqueSocial psychological interventions; political psychology; stereotyping and prejudice; moral psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Faye J. Crosby (research assistant), Craig Haney (research assistant), Faye J. Crosby (collaborator)
Peter F. CookEmbodied cognition, working memory Psychology2013 Margaret Wilson (grad student)
Adam D. CooperVisual system, spatial orientation2011 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Catherine R. CooperDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Higher Education
Michael A. Crabbsreading words aloud, speech analysis
Roger P. Crollcomparative neurobiology19791983 William J. Davis (post-doc)
Faye J. CrosbyCognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Ivan CruzDevelopment, Neural crest, Neuromast2006 Michael Rexach (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Daniels2006 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
John M. DarleySocial Psychology Elliot Aronson (grad student)
Cedric I. Davern1959 James Frederick Bonner (grad student)
Nicolas DavidenkoFace perception
William J. DavisNeurophysiology & Behavior
Veronica S. De Guzmanapplications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system2005 Eugene Switkes (grad student)
Erica L. DeGarmoSocial Psychology, Mass Communications, Criminology and Penology, American Studies2010 Craig Haney (grad student)
Annie Stanfield DittaCreative cognition, problem solving, memory, forgetting, incubation Psychology20132018 Benjamin C. Storm (grad student)
Roberta A. DowningPublic Health, Social Psychology, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Heather E. Bullock (grad student)
Shinchieh DuhCognitive development Psychology2014 Su-hua Wang (grad student)
Alexandra L. DunnPsycholinguistics2011 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Jennifer R. Dyer-SeymourDevelopmental Psychology Maureen Callanan (post-doc)
Matthew J. Eckler Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2013 Bin Chen (grad student)
Robert S. Edgargenetics and self-assembly of viruses, genetics of the nematode Caenorhabditis
Evellyn ElizondoEducational Psychology Education, Sociology of Education2003 Martin M. Chemers (grad student)
Jacqueline J. Eppsapplications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system2008 Eugene Switkes (grad student)
Jenny EscobarSocial Psychology, Latin American Studies Psychology (Latin American and Latino Studies)2013 Craig Haney (grad student)
Jacqueline J Evanssocial endocrinology, pedagogy in Psychology Psychology20022003 Jean E. Fox Tree (research assistant)
Timea Farkas20082015 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
David A. Feldheim
Lori G. FeltonIndustrial Psychology, Dance2001 Avril Thorne (grad student)
Brian David Fishervisual cognition19821991 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Jean E. Fox Treepsycholinguistics
Jamie L. Franco-ZamudioSocial Psychology, Higher Education2009 Martin M. Chemers (grad student)
Carly K. FriedmanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Gender Studies2008 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Joshua T. GauntVisual-spatial perception, attention, working memory, and oculomotor programming20062009 Travis L. Seymour (grad student), Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Kristin M. GeraciEmbodied cognition, working memory2005 Margaret Wilson (grad student)
Raymond W. GibbsPsycholinguistics
Rhanor GilletteBehavior, Neural circuits, Pleurobranchaea William J. Davis (post-doc)
Per F. GjerdeDevelopmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
Melissa D. GlinerIndustrial Psychology, Women's Studies, Industrial and Labor Relations, Adult and Continuing Education2000 Faye J. Crosby (grad student)
Sara Green GoodmanMotivation, Engagement, Learning, Performance2011 Travis L. Seymour (grad student)
Matthew I. GrivichNeuroscience Biology2006 Alan Michael Litke (grad student)
Brenda Gutierrez20172023 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Andrew J. GuydishConversation, Psycholinguistics, Backchannels Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Steven Hallam2000 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Craig HaneySocial Psychology, Latin American Studies
Cole R. K. Harder Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology2021 Dan Turner-Evans (grad student)
Hannah Hausman Psychology Nate Kornell (grad student)
Bryna J. Hazelton2009 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Nicole E. HellerBiology Erika S. Zavaleta (post-doc)
Sarah Katherine Hemenwaycognitive psychology20092012 Travis L. Seymour (grad student)
Sebastian HernandezNeurology, biotechnology Electrical and Computer Engineering Mircea S. Teodorescu (grad student)
Katherine Heroldlanguage development, cognitive development2010 Nameera Akhtar (grad student)
Lindsay HinckNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Jennifer L. Hodges MCD Biology20132018 Yi Zuo (post-doc)
Elena K. Hoickadevelopment, humor, imitation, social-cognition, psycholinguistics
Bryan Holbrook Psychology2017 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Marla M. Holt2006 Ronald Schusterman (grad student)
Yanli Hou2007 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Aida HurtadoSocial Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Gender Studies
Aarti IyerSocial Psychology2004 Colin W. Leach (grad student)
Beth K. JaworskiGeneral Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Psychology (Feminist Studies)2012 Heather E. Bullock (grad student)
Yishi JinC. elegans
Jennifer L. JipsonCognitive and conceptual development2000 Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Alan KawamotoComputational modeling, psycholinguistics
Chris Kay Psychology2017 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Nicole A. Kelley Physics2014 M. Brewster Smith (grad student)
Chris KelloCognitive systems1996 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Brendan P. Kellymarine mammal ecology, behavior, conservation Biology19721975 Kenneth Stafford Norris (grad student)
Muriel Kmet Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2013 Bin Chen (grad student)
Marisa R. Knightaging, emotion2007 Mara Mather (grad student)
Peter A Krause Psychology2014 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Cayla R. M. Lagousisdevelopmental neurobiology Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology2023 Bradley M. Colquitt (grad student)
Erin E LaMontagnestem cell, tissue engineering, vasculature, disease modeling Bioengineering20152016 David Henry Haussler (research scientist)
Jessy A. Lancasterpsycholinguistics, representational momentum
Monica R. Laresapplications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system2009 Eugene Switkes (grad student)
William B. LathropVisual system, spatial orientation2003 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Marcia A. LatzkeDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2002 Avril Thorne (grad student)
Colin W. LeachSocial Psychology
Campbell LeaperDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
John S. LeggittVisual system, spatial orientation2001 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Wendy M. LimbertSocial Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Public Administration, Mass Communications2005 Heather E. Bullock (grad student)
David R. LindbergMarine Biology19781983 John S. Pearse (grad student)
Kristy L. LindemannEmbodied cognition, working memory2007 Margaret Wilson (grad student)
Alan Michael LitkeParticle physics, Neuroscience Biology
Qiang LiuComputational modeling, psycholinguistics2005 Alan Kawamoto (grad student)
Julia E. LonerganPsycholinguistics2009 Raymond W. Gibbs (grad student)
Ju Lu MCD Biology Yi Zuo (post-doc)
Megan R. LuceDevelopmental Psychology2011 Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Shaorong Maprefrontal cortex, stress MCD Biology2017 Yi Zuo (post-doc)
Hector Macias-SaldivarCell Biology, Molecular Biology2010 Lindsay Hinck (grad student)
Steven MacramallaVisual system, spatial orientation2006 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Dominic W. Massarospeech, reading, language learning
Teenie Matlockcognitive linguistics, semantics, metaphor2001 Raymond W. Gibbs (grad student)
Sarah A. Mayer2009 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Andrew G. McAdam20032004 Barry Raymond Sinervo (post-doc)
Jessica E. McGuireDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2013 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
William L. McKenna2010 Bin Chen (grad student)
Barry McLaughlinBilingualism, second language acquisition
Kate C. McLeanDevelopmental Psychology2004 Avril Thorne (grad student)
Dolores D. MenaDevelopmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2005 Catherine R. Cooper (grad student)
Jennifer Menjivarlanguage development, cognitive development Psychology2013 Nameera Akhtar (grad student)
Eric M. MintzNeuroscience, Biological Rhythms19901995 Ralph J. Berger (grad student)
Cynthia S Moncada-Reidauditory neuroscience, molecular neurobiology
Laura M. MorettCognitive neuroscience, learning, gesture, autism spectrum disorder, psycholinguistics Psychology20102012 Raymond W. Gibbs (grad student)
Caitlin Moyer Robert Sweet (grad student)
Caitlin E. Moyer MCD Biology2014 Yi Zuo (post-doc)
Vickie NamSocial Psychology, Asian American Studies, Women's Studies2011 Aaronette M. White (grad student)
Jexy An NepangueLearning and memory
Jexy An Nepanguecognitive offloading, digital technology, inductive learning, metacognition Psychology Benjamin C. Storm (grad student)
Arash Ng Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2014 David A. Feldheim (grad student)
James E. NiemeyerEpilepsy, Seizures, Neurological Disease, E/I balance, Perception, Psychophysics Psychology20072009 Eugene Switkes (research assistant)
William Stafford Noblemodeling biological processes at the molecular level1999 David Henry Haussler (post-doc)
Deanna L. Novakmemory, emotion, aging2008 Mara Mather (grad student)
Lacey OkonskiMetaphor, Embodiment, Aesthetics
Acacia Lauren Overonolearning, memory, gesture Psychology Psychology Benjamin C. Storm (grad student), Margaret Wilson (grad student)
Rupsha PandaCognitive neuroscience, attention, motor learning, embodiment Psychology20172019 Nicolas Davidenko (research assistant)
Sebastian PannaschVisual attention, eye movements, active vision20082008 Bruce Bridgeman (post-doc)
Carrie L. Partchmolecular clocks
Julie McCleery Pearlman2006 Yishi Jin (grad student)
John S. Pearsemarine ecology
James F. Perna MCD Biology Yi Zuo (grad student)
Cory Pfeiffenberger2007 David A. Feldheim (grad student)
Sonja Plasil Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology20162017 Bin Chen (research assistant)
Kimberley RadmacherDevelopmental Psychology2007 Margarita Azmitia (grad student)
Colleen Reichmuth Kastak2002 Ronald Schusterman (grad student)
Charlotte N. ReyesCognitive and conceptual development Psychology2013 Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Jennifer C. RigneyCognitive and conceptual development Psychology2012 Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Michelle L RiversSelf-Regulated Learning, Memory, Metacognition, Education Psychology20132015 Benjamin C. Storm (research assistant)
Jacqueline M. Roberts Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2013 Bin Chen (grad student)
Rachael RobnettGeneral Psychology, General Education, Physiological Psychology, Women's Studies Psychology2013 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Omar RuvalcabaSociocultural, Culture and Tech, Culture, Education Psychology20072015 Barbara Rogoff (grad student)
Laura SabattiniSocial Psychology, Women's Studies2004 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Mark A. Sabbaghcognitive development, language development, preschool children, cognitive neuroscience Maureen Callanan (research assistant)
Anthony C. SampanesVisual system, spatial orientation2006 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Josef Chad Schrock2001 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Ronald Schusterman
Teague K ScottVultures, Conservation, Biology, Movement Environmental Studies20102013 Glenn Stewart (research assistant)
Travis L. SeymourCognitive Psychology Debbie R. Siegel (collaborator)
Tess Shirefley Psychology20162023 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Debbie R. SiegelCognitive and conceptual development20022010 April A Benasich (research assistant), Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Sirinda SincharoenSocial Psychology2005 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Mrinal SinhaSocial Psychology, Hispanic American Studies, Gender Studies2007 Aida Hurtado (grad student)
Jo A. Sisonmemory, emotion, aging2005 Mara Mather (grad student)
Judith Smetana1978 Elliot Turiel (grad student)
M. Brewster Smith Gordon W. Allport (grad student)
Cameron SmithCognitive Science, Perception, Decision-making, Psycholinguistics20142015 Alan Kawamoto (research assistant), Bruce Bridgeman (research assistant), Terrance Philip Regier (research assistant)
Tara E. Smith2005 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Julia S. SoaresMemory, distributed cognition, digital technology Psychology20142020 Benjamin C. Storm (grad student)
Jason SonNeurology, Machine Learning
Brandon L. Southall2002 Ronald Schusterman (grad student)
Michael J. SpiveyPsycholinguistics, Eye Tracking, Dynamic Systems19871991 Bruce Bridgeman (research assistant), Raymond W. Gibbs (research assistant)
Ben K. StaffordRetinal Physiology2009 David A. Feldheim (grad student)
Christine R. StarrEquity in STEM, identity development, academic motivation, stereotypes Psychology20132019 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Cassidy P. Sterlingmulti-modal attention Psychology20062012 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Glenn Stewart
Christopher D. Suh2006 Yishi Jin (grad student)
Eugene Switkesapplications of basic quantum mechanical theory to problems in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and information processing by the visual system
Hidenori Taruneurodegeneration20042006 Yishi Jin (post-doc)
Jeremy TemanMotor decision modeling, theoretical neuroscience, mathematical psychology. Christopher G. Dudzik (research assistant)
Harriet R. TenenbaumDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Speech Communication2000 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Christy S. TeranishiDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Higher Education2001 Catherine R. Cooper (grad student)
Laura A. ThompsonSpeech science, cognitive development1987 Dominic W. Massaro (grad student)
Elisabeth M. Thompsonpersonality, sexuality2009 Eileen L. Zurbriggen (grad student)
Avril ThorneIndustrial Psychology, Dance
Michelle Tjia MCD Biology Yi Zuo (grad student)
John M. Tomlinson, Jr.Prosody, discourse markers2009 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Nancy M. TrinhDevelopmental Psychology, Asian American Studies, Individual and Family Studies2011 Catherine R. Cooper (grad student)
Jason W. TriplettVisual System, Topographic Mapping, Multisensory Integration2006 David A. Feldheim (post-doc)
Robert L. TriversEvolutionary Biology
Shirley V. TruongGeneral Psychology Psychology2012 Heather E. Bullock (grad student)
Philip TsengPerception, visual memory, consciousness, deception20062010 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Elliot Turiel
Dustin Updikegenetics, germline, germ granules, P granules, C. elegans
Araceli ValleCognitive and conceptual development2005 Maureen Callanan (grad student)
Matthew W. WagersPsycholinguistics, language and memory
Abigail Walsh Psychology20152022 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Su-hua WangCognitive development
Irma M. WaughIndustrial Psychology, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Heather E. Bullock (grad student)
Rosy C. WeirSocial Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Personality Psychology2002 Per F. Gjerde (grad student)
Aaronette M. WhiteSocial Psychology, Asian American Studies, Women's Studies
Jason A. Williamsspatial orientation19952001 Bruce Bridgeman (grad student)
Megan E. WilliamsSynapse Development Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology Lindsay Hinck (grad student)
Margaret WilsonEmbodied cognition, working memory
Antoinette WilsonDevelopmental Psychology, Gender and Racial Stereotypes Psychology20082016 Campbell Leaper (grad student)
Catherine WoodsNeuroscience Bruce Bridgeman (research assistant)
Madison E. Wrightemotion and cognition; neuropsychology20162019 Benjamin C. Storm (research assistant)
Jeremy K. YamashiroCollective Memory, Social Aspects of Memory, Collective Future Thought, Conversational Remembering
Lingling Yeseismology, earthquake Earth Science20112015 Thorne Lay (grad student)
Megan R. Yostpersonality, sexuality2006 Eileen L. Zurbriggen (grad student)
Xinzhu YuNeuroscience Biology Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology2012 Yi Zuo (grad student)
Charlotte A. Zeamerpsycholinguistics Psychology2014 Jean E. Fox Tree (grad student)
Cristina D. Zepeda Psychology Maureen Callanan (research assistant)
Yu Zhang
Yu Zhangculture and relational learning
Yi Zuo
Eileen L. Zurbriggenpersonality, sexuality