Susan L. Crowley

Psychology Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Susan Crowley"
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Homan KJ, Crowley SL, Rienecke RD. (2020) Predictors of improvement in a family-based partial hospitalization/intensive outpatient program for eating disorders. Eating Disorders. 1-17
Bushman BB, Crowley SL. (2010) Is the structure of affect similar for younger and older children? cross-sectional differences in negative and positive affectivity Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 28: 31-39
Pelletier J, Collett B, Gimpel G, et al. (2006) Assessment of Disruptive Behaviors in Preschoolers Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 24: 3-18
Michael KD, Huelsman TJ, Crowley SL. (2005) Interventions for child and adolescent depression: Do professional therapists produce better results? Journal of Child and Family Studies. 14: 223-236
Shealy CN, Cobb HC, Crowley SL, et al. (2004) Beyond consensus: a summary of the special series and future of the Combined-Integrated model. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 1109-25
Shealy CN, Cobb HC, Crowley SL, et al. (2004) Back to our future? The Consensus Conference and Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training in professional psychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 893-909
Blom-Hoffman J, Okun BF, Lifter K, et al. (2004) Voices of the five doctoral training councils in psychology: seeking common ground on Combined-Integrated doctoral training in psychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 60: 957-67
Crowley SL, Merrell KW. (2003) The Structure of the School Social Behavior Scales: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Assessment For Effective Intervention. 28: 41-55
Michael KD, Crowley SL. (2002) How effective are treatments for child and adolescent depression? A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review. 22: 247-69
Crowley SL, Merrell KW. (2000) Convergent and discriminant validity of the internalizing symptoms scale for children Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 18: 4-16
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