Jessica J. De Feyter, Ph.D.

2011 George Mason University, Washington, DC 
Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, English as a Second Language Education
"Jessica De Feyter"
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Adam Winsler grad student 2011 George Mason
 (School Readiness, Early Achievement, and the Role of English Language Proficiency for Children in Low-Income Immigrant Families.)
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Tavassolie T, López C, De Feyter J, et al. (2016) Migrant preschool children's school readiness and early elementary school performance The Journal of Educational Research. 111: 331-344
Briceno AC, De Feyter JJ, Winsler A. (2013) The school readiness of children born to low-income, adolescent Latinas in Miami. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 83: 430-42
Winsler A, Hutchison LA, De Feyter JJ, et al. (2012) Child, family, and childcare predictors of delayed school entry and kindergarten retention among linguistically and ethnically diverse children. Developmental Psychology. 48: 1299-314
De Feyter JJ, Winsler A. (2009) The early developmental competencies and school readiness of low-income, immigrant children: Influences of generation, race/ethnicity, and national origins Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 24: 411-431
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