Holly Ruhl, Ph.D.

2013 Psychological Sciences University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States 
General Psychology, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology
"Holly Ruhl"
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Shayla C. Holub grad student 2013 UT Dallas
 (Are the eating decisions of college dieters and nondieters reasoned or reactive? An application of three decision making models.)
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Chow CM, Ruhl H, Tan CC, et al. (2017) Fear of fat and restrained eating: negative body talk between female friends as a moderator. Eating and Weight Disorders : Ewd
Chow CM, Ruhl H. (2017) Congruity of observed social support behaviors and couple relationship quality European Journal of Social Psychology. 48: 62-71
Ruhl H, Holub SC, Dolan EA. (2016) The reasoned/reactive model: A new approach to examining eating decisions among female college dieters and nondieters. Eating Behaviors. 23: 33-40
Tan CC, Ruhl H, Chow CM, et al. (2016) Retrospective reports of parental feeding practices and emotional eating in adulthood: The role of food preoccupation. Appetite
Chow CM, Ruhl H, Buhrmester D. (2016) Reciprocal associations between friendship attachment and relational experiences in adolescence Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 33: 122-146
Ruhl H, Dolan EA, Buhrmester D. (2015) Adolescent Attachment Trajectories with Mothers and Fathers: The Importance of Parent-Child Relationship Experiences and Gender. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence. 25: 427-442
Chow CM, Ruhl H, Buhrmester D. (2015) Romantic relationships and psychological distress among adolescents: Moderating role of friendship closeness. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 61: 711-20
Chow CM, Tan CC, Ruhl H. (2015) Misery loves company: A dyadic approach to examining the effects of depressive symptoms on friendship discord Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 34: 774-787
Chow CM, Ruhl H. (2014) Friendship and Romantic Stressors and Depression in Emerging Adulthood: Mediating and Moderating Roles of Attachment Representations Journal of Adult Development. 21: 106-115
Chow CM, Ruhl H, Buhrmester D. (2013) The mediating role of interpersonal competence between adolescents' empathy and friendship quality: a dyadic approach. Journal of Adolescence. 36: 191-200
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