Laura Madson
Affiliations: | Psychology | New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States |
Social Psychology, Experimental PsychologyGoogle:
"Laura Madson"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineePeter K. Jonason | grad student | 2009 | New Mexico State |
Garrett L. Strosser | grad student | 2010 | New Mexico State |
Holly R. Hackett | grad student | 2013 | New Mexico State |
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Madson L, Burns CM. (2020) Jumpstarting Team Cohesion with Team Activity Debriefings Medical Science Educator. 30: 609-615 |
Jonason PK, Li NP, Madson L. (2012) It is not all about the benjamins: Understanding preferences for mates with resources Personality and Individual Differences. 52: 306-310 |
Hughes JS, Gourley MK, Madson L, et al. (2011) Stress and coping activity: Reframing negative thoughts Teaching of Psychology. 38: 36-39 |
Elliott LJ, Rice S, Trafimow D, et al. (2010) Research participation versus classroom lecture: A comparison of student learning Teaching of Psychology. 37: 129-131 |
Gray T, Madson L. (2007) Ten Easy Ways to Engage Your Students College Teaching. 55: 83-87 |
Rehbein-Narvaez R, García-Vázquez E, Madson L. (2006) The relation between self-esteem and sexual functioning in collegiate women. The Journal of Social Psychology. 146: 250-2 |
Madson L, Shoda J. (2006) Alternating between masculine and feminine pronouns: Does essay topic affect readers' perceptions? Sex Roles. 54: 275-285 |
Madson L. (2005) Demonstrating the importance of question wording on surveys Teaching of Psychology. 32: 40-43 |
Trafimow D, Armendariz ML, Madson L. (2004) A test of whether attributions provide for self-enhancement or self-defense. The Journal of Social Psychology. 144: 453-63 |
Madson L, Vas CJ. (2003) Learning risk factors for suicide: A scenario-based activity Teaching of Psychology. 30: 123-126 |