Matthias Siemer

Psychology University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Cognitive Psychology, Physiological Psychology
"Matthias Siemer"
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Arditte Hall KA, Joormann J, Siemer M, et al. (2018) The impact bias in self and others: Affective and empathic forecasting in individuals with social anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 106: 37-46
Malooly AM, Genet JJ, Siemer M. (2013) Individual differences in reappraisal effectiveness: the role of affective flexibility. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 13: 302-13
Genet JJ, Malooly AM, Siemer M. (2013) Flexibility is not always adaptive: affective flexibility and inflexibility predict rumination use in everyday life. Cognition & Emotion. 27: 685-95
Malooly AM, Siemer M. (2013) Inflexible processing of positive and negative images: implications for dysphoria and emotion regulation F1000research. 4
D'Avanzato C, Joormann J, Siemer M, et al. (2013) Emotion regulation in depression and anxiety: Examining diagnostic specificity and stability of strategy use Cognitive Therapy and Research. 37: 968-980
Genet JJ, Siemer M. (2012) Rumination moderates the effects of daily events on negative mood: results from a diary study. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 12: 1329-39
Denny KG, Siemer M. (2012) Trait aggression is related to anger-modulated deficits in response inhibition Journal of Research in Personality. 46: 450-454
Tran TB, Siemer M, Joormann J. (2011) Implicit interpretation biases affect emotional vulnerability: a training study. Cognition & Emotion. 25: 546-58
Genet JJ, Siemer M. (2011) Flexible control in processing affective and non-affective material predicts individual differences in trait resilience. Cognition & Emotion. 25: 380-8
Joormann J, Siemer M. (2011) Affective processing and emotion regulation in dysphoria and depression: Cognitive biases and deficits in cognitive control Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 5: 13-28
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