Katherine G. Denny, Ph.D.

2014 Psychology (Arts & Sciences) University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Cognitive Psychology, Early Childhood Education, General Psychology
"Katherine Denny"
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Matthias Siemer grad student 2014 University of Miami
 (Cognitive mechanisms of anger regulation: The role of executive function.)
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Denny KG, Harvey D, Meyer OL, et al. (2019) A Combined Treatment Approach to Support Everyday Function and Promote Brain Health in Older Adults: A Pilot Study. Clinical Gerontologist. 1-12
Farias ST, Lau K, Harvey D, et al. (2017) Early Functional Limitations in Cognitively Normal Older Adults Predict Diagnostic Conversion to Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Tomaszewski-Farias S, Harvey D, Lau K, et al. (2017) Usefulness Of Self- And Informant-Reported Functional Abilities In Predicting Risk Of Transitioning From Normal Cognition To Mci Alzheimers & Dementia. 13
Huemer J, Völkl-Kernstock S, Karnik N, et al. (2013) Personality and psychopathology in African unaccompanied refugee minors: repression, resilience and vulnerability. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 44: 39-50
Denny KG, Siemer M. (2012) Trait aggression is related to anger-modulated deficits in response inhibition Journal of Research in Personality. 46: 450-454
Huemer J, Sagar A, Alquero K, et al. (2011) Overt and covert aggression in college women with bulimia nervosa. Zeitschrift Fã¼R Kinder- Und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie. 39: 409-15
Steiner H, Denny K, Stemmle P. (2010) Adaptive styles in elite collegiate athletes: the role of activation and self-regulation Personality and Mental Health. 4: 163-171
Denny KG, Steiner H. (2009) External and internal factors influencing happiness in elite collegiate athletes. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 40: 55-72
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