Heather E. Bullock

Psychology (Feminist Studies) University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
General Psychology, Public and Social Welfare
"Heather Bullock"
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Bullock HE. (2023) Bernice Lott (1930-2022). The American Psychologist
Reppond HA, Bullock HE. (2020) Reclaiming “good motherhood”: US mothers’ critical resistance in family homeless shelters: Feminism & Psychology. 30: 100-120
Bullock HE, Toolis EE, Sencion B, et al. (2020) The high price of economic marginalization: Low-income Latinas’ experiences with mainstream banking and alternative financial services. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 26: 136-148
Bullock HE. (2019) Psychology's contributions to understanding and alleviating poverty and economic inequality: Introduction to the special section. The American Psychologist. 74: 635-640
Bullock HE, Twose GHJ, Hamilton VM. (2019) Mandating Work: A Social Psychological Analysis of Rising Neoliberalism in U.S. Public Assistance Programs Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 19: 282-304
Reppond HA, Bullock HE. (2018) Framing Homeless Policy: Reducing Cash Aid as a Compassionate Solution Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. 18: 284-306
Ryan DA, Singh MR, Hentschke EA, et al. (2018) “Minding the gap”: Social psychological insights for strengthening interclass relations and advancing economic justice. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 4: 187-197
Bullock HE. (2017) Social class and policy preferences: implications for economic inequality and interclass relations. Current Opinion in Psychology. 18: 141-146
Bullock HE, Truong SV, Chhun L. (2016) Combatting Social Exclusion: “Safe Space” and the Dynamics of Inclusion at a Homeless Farming Site Journal of Poverty. 1-27
Bullock HE, Lott B, Truong SV. (2011) SPSSI and Poverty: Reflections at Seventy-Five Journal of Social Issues. 67: 150-164
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