Michael T. Sliter, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology/Industrial-Organizational Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology
"Michael Sliter"
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Steve Michael Jex grad student 2012 Bowling Green State University (IOTree)
 (But we're here to help! Positive buffers of the relationship between victim incivility and employee outcomes in firefighters.)
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Yuan Z, Park Y, Sliter MT. (2020) Put you down versus tune you out: Further understanding active and passive e-mail incivility. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Sawhney G, Sinclair RR, Cox AR, et al. (2018) One Climate or Many: Examining the Structural Distinctiveness of Safety, Health, and Stress Prevention Climate Measures. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Sawhney G, Jennings KS, Britt TW, et al. (2017) Occupational Stress and Mental Health Symptoms: Examining the Moderating Effect of Work Recovery Strategies in Firefighters. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Yang L, Sliter M, Cheung JH, et al. (2017) The Dark Side of Helping: Does Returning the Favor from Coworkers Hurt Employee Work Engagement? Journal of Business and Psychology. 33: 741-760
Jones MD, Sliter M, Sinclair RR. (2016) Overload, and Cutbacks, and Freezes, Oh My! The Relative Effects of the Recession-Related Stressors on Employee Strain and Job Satisfaction. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress. 32: 629-635
Dreison KC, Luther L, Bonfils KA, et al. (2016) Job Burnout in Mental Health Providers: A Meta-Analysis of 35 Years of Intervention Research. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Gillespie MA, Balzer WK, Brodke MH, et al. (2016) Normative measurement of job satisfaction in the US Journal of Managerial Psychology. 31: 516-536
Boyd EM, Sliter MT, Chatfield S. (2016) Double trouble: work–family conflict and well-being for second job holders Community, Work and Family. 19: 462-480
Sliter M, Holland B, Sliter K, et al. (2016) View From the Trenches: Practitioners’ Perspectives on Key Issues and Opportunities in Low-Wage and Frontline Jobs Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 9: 174-181
Cheung JH, Burns DK, Sinclair RR, et al. (2016) Amazon Mechanical Turk in Organizational Psychology: An Evaluation and Practical Recommendations Journal of Business and Psychology. 1-15
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