Kacy Pula, Ph.D.

2012 Experimental Psychology Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Behavioral Psychology
"Kacy Pula"
Mean distance: 11874


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Craig D. Parks grad student 2012 WSU
 (Regulatory focus and motives for organic food preferences in the United States.)
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Pula K, Parks CD, Ross CF. (2014) Regulatory focus and food choice motives. Prevention orientation associated with mood, convenience, and familiarity. Appetite. 78: 15-22
Pula K, McPherson S, Parks CD. (2012) Invariance of a two-factor model of social dominance orientation across gender Personality and Individual Differences. 52: 385-389
Strand PS, Pula K, Parks CD, et al. (2011) Shyness-anxiousness and receptive language skills development in Spanish- and English-speaking preschoolers Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 32: 363-368
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