Washington State University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sara N. AllenClinical Psychology, Native American Studies2008 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Jeremiah A. AltSleep, infection, inflammation2003 James M. Krueger (grad student)
Amy K. AlwardAccounting Business Administration2007 Bernard Wong-On-Wing (grad student)
Suzanne M. AppleyardNTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic, obesity, feeding
Michael A. ArndtSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology2004 Timothy Church (grad student)
Tatyana V. AvdeyevaMental Health, Personality Psychology2004 Timothy Church (grad student)
Joe AyresSpeech Communication, Clinical Psychology
Madi Babaiaslrobotics for healthcare and education Mechanical Engineering20162020 John P. Swensen (grad student)
Filipina BacarroClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2010 Austin T. Church (grad student)
Kirstin J. BaileyClinical Psychology2000 Tristram H. Smith (grad student)
Inderbir Bains20172018 Jason Robert Gerstner (grad student)
Daniel BallietCooperation, social dilemmas2007 Jeff Joireman (grad student)
Marianne BarabaszCounseling Psychology, Aging, Gerontology
Arreed F. BarabaszEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Celestina Barbosa-LeikerPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2008 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Jane L. BargaClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Mental Health2004 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Jesse L. BarnesCerebellum, Cannabinoids, Neurodevelopment2014 David J. Rossi (grad student)
Douglas G. Barron Zoology2014 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Aaron C. Bartoo2006 Leslie Sprunger (grad student)
Timothy V. BaszlerPathology, Veterinary Science Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Michelle L. Beck2010 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Kathy A. BeermanNutrition, General Psychology
Greg Belenky
Caroline C. Benoist Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology2011 Gary Wayman (grad student), Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Wendi L. BensonGeneral Psychology, Organizational, Industrial Psychology Psychology - Experimental2013 Tahira Probst (grad student)
Anthony BergerAffective dysregulation of behavior2011 Brendan M. Walker (grad student)
Anju BhargavaClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2007 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Darcy Bird Anthropology2019 Tim A. Kohler (grad student)
Erin N. BobeckPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids Psychology - Experimental2013 Michael M. Morgan (grad student)
Detlev Boison
Mohamad BouhamdanRGS9 signaling
Bryan W. BovitzClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2007 Paul Strand (grad student)
Nanna Brande-Lavridsen Hubert Schwabl (grad student)
Jonathan P. Brenneckeinformatics20132014 Jonathan Wisor (research assistant)
David J. BridgettClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2008 Maria A. Gartstein (grad student)
Scott Raasina Bright2007 Michael D. Varnum (grad student)
R. Lane Brown
Travis Brown Barbara Sorg (grad student)
Jenny R. Browning Neuroscience2012 Heiko Jansen (grad student)
Kishor Bugarith2003 Sue Ritter (grad student)
Jeanne M. BulginGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2003 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Claude Burgoyne
Leonard G. BurnsClinical Psychology
Gilbert A. BurnsPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Priyanka N. Bushanasleep, antioxidants, perineuronal nets, oxidative stress, cognitive function, circadian rhythms Biomedical Sciences2017 Jonathan Wisor (grad student), Barbara Sorg (grad student)
Carlos A. Campos Ingestive behavior Robert C. Ritter (research assistant)
Zhiping (John) Cao Catherine Ulibarri (grad student)
Patrick A. CaplaziPathology, Veterinary Science Biology, Neuroscience Biology2003 Timothy V. Baszler (grad student)
Patrick B. CarrilloClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2004 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Pollyanna V. CasmarClinical Psychology2002 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Stephen P. CasmarTechnology of Education, Administration Education, Higher Education2001 D Michael Pavel (grad student)
Julia CassanitiCultural Anthropology
Patricia E. CelayaCounseling Psychology, Higher Education, Hispanic American Studies Counseling Psychology2012 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Doylene Y. ChanGuidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Women's Studies2007 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Murali Chandra
MaryAnn Chapmanscientific writing Ronald E. See (grad student)
Nirmalya Chatterjeesoil science, analytical chemistry, ecology Soil Science20092013 Markus Flury (post-doc)
Naomi S. Chaytor2004 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Lichao ChenSleep, infection, inflammation2003 James M. Krueger (grad student)
Hyuksoo ChoMarketing Business Administration2004 Patriya Tansuhaj (grad student)
Austin T. ChurchCounseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Higher Education
Timothy ChurchCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, African American Studies
Lynn Churchill
Sara E. ClancyCounseling Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2010 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
James M. ClintonSleep20072012 James M. Krueger (grad student)
Colleen L. CookAdministration Education, Technology of Education2003 D Michael Pavel (grad student)
Rebecca M. Craftsex differences in drug effects
Scott Creamer Clinical Psychology2013 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Steven M. CrockerClinical Psychology, Public Health2004 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Lee W. DaffinBehavioral Psychology, Public Health Experimental Psychology2012 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Gucan Daiion channel biophysics Neuroscience Michael D. Varnum (grad student)
Thu A. DangCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Asian Studies Counseling Psychology2012 Timothy Church (grad student)
Rebecca A. Darling2010 Sue Ritter (grad student)
Nathaniel D. Darnall Mechanical Engineering2014 David Lin (grad student)
Christopher J. DavisSleep2005 James M. Krueger (post-doc), John Wright (grad student)
Seth Michael DavisImpulsivity, Ethanol Dependence, Attention Psychology - Experimental20092014 Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
Jon Davis
Alicia M. Del PradoPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2007 Timothy Church (grad student)
Kristen Delevichfrontal cortex, microcircuitry, mouse models of psychiatric disease, electrophysiology
Shaban Demirelvisual system, psychophysics, glaucoma
Matasha DharNTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic, obesity, feeding Neuroscience Neuroscience2012 Suzanne M. Appleyard (grad student), Gary Wayman (grad student)
Albena T. Dinkova-KostovaPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Biochemistry/Biophysics1996 Norman G. Lewis (grad student)
Ryan D. DonahueClinical Psychology2003 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Yan DongMotivational and Emotional Memory Robert C. Malenka (post-doc)
Wen-Ji Dong
Y'Lang T. DongEthnic and Racial Studies, Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Timothy Church (grad student)
Hans V. DongenCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Blythe DuellSocial Psychology2008 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Deborah L. Duricka Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology2011 Michael D. Varnum (grad student)
Dennis G. DyckClinical Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Behavioral Psychology
Talitha P. EasterlyCounseling Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies, General Religion, Spirituality2009 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Maureen S. EdgecombeClinical Psychology
Jeremy R. Egbert Zoology2011 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Patrick D. Elias2008 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Alan J. Emanuel20072010 Sue Ritter (research assistant)
Alice M. EmersonGuidance and Counseling Education, Theory and Methods, Gender Studies2006 Timothy Church (grad student)
Phyllis ErdmanCounseling Psychology
Chloe M Erikson
Armando X. EstradaCounseling Psychology, General Business Administration, Educational Psychology Education
Arreed F. BarabaszClinical Psychology
Jill B. FancherSocial Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2008 Elizabeth Soliday (grad student)
Douglas A. FittsPhysiological Psychology, Neuroscience Biology John Wright (grad student)
Jarod J. FitzgeraldClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Donovan E. FlemingPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology Francis A. Young (grad student)
Steven J. Ford Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology2012 Murali Chandra (grad student)
Brad Fortune
Gregory S. Fraley Catherine Ulibarri (grad student)
Pamela J. Freske2003 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Rita Fuchs Lokensgard
Tanya E. GambyClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Tristram H. Smith (grad student)
Jingyu GaoAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration Accounting2013 Bernard Wong-On-Wing (grad student)
John P. GarofaloClinical Psychology
Masha GarsteinClinical Psychology
Maria A. GartsteinClinical Psychology
Brian J. GatheridgeBehavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Elementary Education2007 Paul Strand (grad student)
Jacqueline L. GeddesClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Katherine A. GeigerClinical Psychology Clinical Psychology2012 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Thomas GentheClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2000 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Jason Robert GerstnerSleep and Circadian Rhythms, Learning and Memory, Glia, Synaptic Plasticity
Briedi R. GillespiePharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2005 Gilbert A. Burns (grad student)
Garrett L. GilmerClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2006 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Samantha Gizerian
Jill M. GjerdeClinical Psychology Psychology - Clinical2012 John P. Garofalo (grad student)
Michael D GoldsbyPhilosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology/Ecology, Epistemology, Philosophy of Climate Change
Sampath K. Gollapudi Mechanical Engineering2011 David Lin (grad student)
Sylvia P. GomezGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2003 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Angela E GonzalezPerineuronal Nets, Addiction Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience Barbara Sorg (grad student)
Ronette L. GoodwinSocial Psychology, Black Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Women's Studies2000 Timothy Church (grad student)
Maja GrasoBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology - Experimental2011 Tahira Probst (grad student)
Crystal GrayClinical Psychology, Special Education2008 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Jeffrey W. Grimmaddiction, relapse, sucrose, obesity, cocaine, craving Psychology19931999 Ronald E. See (grad student), Frances K. McSweeney (grad student)
Dana R. GripClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology - Clinical2014 Paul Strand (grad student)
Bianca GrohmannMarketing Business Administration2002 Eric R. Spangenberg (grad student)
Laura O. GuillenSocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Timothy Church (grad student)
Damien Guimond Neuroscience2014 Gary Wayman (grad student)
Gary J. HalorsonVeterinary Science Biology, Immunology2005 Timothy V. Baszler (grad student)
Colin R. HarbkePsychometrics Psychology2007 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Joseph W. Hardinghippocampus, dementia
Cheryl A. HarumiCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2011 Austin T. Church (grad student)
Yu HarumiPersonality Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Timothy Church (grad student)
Elizabeth B. HavilandGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Michael T. HazelSpeech Communication, Clinical Psychology2004 Joe Ayres (grad student)
Sandy M. HenleyBehavioral Neuroscience & Neuropharmacology
Brandy R. HensonClinical Psychology2007 Dennis G. Dyck (grad student)
Humberto R. HernandezCounseling Psychology, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies Counseling Psychology2010 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Raymond R. HerreraGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Higher Education, Hispanic American Studies2005 Timothy Church (grad student)
Jessica A HigginbothamAddiction, memory reconsolidation Integrative Physiology & Neuroscience2014 Rita A. Fuchs (grad student)
Linda L. HigleyClinical Psychology2002 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
John M. Hinson
Steven HobaicaI am interested in LGBTQ and TGNC health, sex education, and empirically-based treatment with underrepresented groups. Paul Kwon (grad student)
Lisa A. Howell2010 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Chia-Fang ( HsuSpeech Communication2002 Joe Ayres (grad student)
Daniela S. HugelshoferClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Alishia HuntoonSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Personality Psychology2005 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Shellah M. ImperioPersonality Psychology2006 Timothy Church (grad student)
Ella R. InglebretTeacher Training Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Higher Education2001 D Michael Pavel (grad student)
Susan L. IngramPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Dopamine
Trudy A. IredaleClinical Psychology2001 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Michele E. IshikawaCounseling Psychology, Asian American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies Counseling Psychology2013 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Tina L. Jameson2004 Paul Whitney (grad student)
Heiko Jansen
Jani Jesenovecphysics, condensed matter, chemistry, crystal growth, semiconductors, optoelectronics, nonlinear optics Materials Science and Engineering20182022 John S. McCloy (grad student), Kelvin G. Lynn (grad student)
Kathryn A. JewettSleep, infection, inflammation Neuroscience2014 James M. Krueger (grad student)
Lixin JiangOrganizational Psychology - Experimental2013 Tahira Probst (grad student)
Craig Alan JohnstonNeuroendocrinology
Levente Kapas
Ilia N. KaratsoreosNeuroscience, Circadian Rhythms, Neuroendocrinology
Andrew J. KaufmanLandscape Architecture, General Agriculture, Physiological Psychology2003 Virginia I. Lohr (grad student)
Leen H. Kawas Pharmaceutical Sciences2011 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Erin C. KelsoEvolution, animal behavior2001 Paul A. Verrell (grad student)
Ellen D. KettersonBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, animal behavior19741975 James Roger King (post-doc)
Marisa O. King2010 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Scott Kinlein2014 Ilia N. Karatsoreos (grad student)
Jessica KisslerImpulsivity2012 Brendan M. Walker (grad student)
David C. KnuffMarketing Business Administration2007 Eric R. Spangenberg (grad student)
Frank H KoeglerObeseity Resarch Sue Ritter (grad student)
Eniko A. Kramar2000 John Wright (grad student)
Julie A. Krivskysex differences in drug effects2001 Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
James M. KruegerSleep, infection, inflammation
Stephanie W. KuffelClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology2002 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Paul KwonClinical Psychology
Young-Mi KwonExperimental Psychology Psychology - Experimental2014 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Amy LaPersonality Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Asian American Studies Counseling Psychology2011 Timothy Church (grad student)
Ellen E. LadenheimFood intake, obesity19851989 Robert C. Ritter (grad student)
Talley J. Lambert Gary Wayman (post-doc)
Diane LanePain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids2004 Michael M. Morgan (grad student)
Stephanie C. LangstonCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2014 Phyllis Erdman (grad student)
Mercedes A. LaVoyClinical Psychology2009 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Casey K. LawlerClinical Psychology2006 John P. Garofalo (grad student)
Matthew Layton
Brian Robert LeeAddiction, Plasticity
Brian R. LeeAddiction Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology20072011 Yan Dong (grad student)
SoYean LeeClinical Psychology Psychology - Clinical2011 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Micah Lefton2021 Jason Robert Gerstner (research scientist)
Atom J. LesiakNeuronal Morphology, RNAseq, RiboTag, Stress Depression Neuroscience20082012 Gary Wayman (grad student)
Victor H. Leyva GradoSleep, infection, inflammation2008 James M. Krueger (grad student)
Jean Liénardbasal ganglia, computational neuroscience, evolutionary algorithms Department of Mathematics and Statistics20132016 Nikolay Strigul (post-doc)
David Lin
Isabella H. Lin-RoarkClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Women's Studies2009 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Willow R. Lindsay2010 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Virginia I. LohrLandscape Architecture, General Agriculture, Physiological Psychology
Christina M. LowClinical Psychology Psychology - Clinical2013 Masha Garstein (grad student)
Elena Mahrt Christine V. Portfors (grad student)
Nhu T. MaiPersonality Psychology, Asian Studies Counseling Psychology2014 Timothy Church (grad student)
Rachel L. MaldonadoMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2001 Patriya Tansuhaj (grad student)
Gary B. MallarePersonality Psychology2006 Timothy Church (grad student)
Ranganath Mamidi Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology and Physiology2013 Murali Chandra (grad student)
Lisa MancusoSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology2004 Austin T. Church (grad student)
Julia MarmionClinical Psychology2007 Maria A. Gartstein (grad student)
Devin R. MarshSocial Psychology2003 Timothy Church (grad student)
Fernanda MartinezClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hispanic American Studies2006 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
J. A. Masino2003 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Claire A. MatsonIngestive behavior2000 Robert C. Ritter (grad student)
Jill R. McConnell2000 Peter Arnett (grad student)
Alene McCoy2010 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Laurie D. McCubbinCounseling Psychology, Asian American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Michael G. McDonellClinical Psychology2004 Dennis G. Dyck (grad student)
Molly M. McGinnisAlcohol, BLA Psychology20112013 Brendan M. Walker (research assistant)
Ryan McLaughlin
Brian W. McNeillCounseling Psychology, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education, Hispanic American Studies
Susanne MeierSocial Psychology2001 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Pete Meighan2006 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Starla Meighan2003 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
William M. Meilneuroscience, addiction, drugs and behavior1996 Ronald E. See (grad student)
Lilia G. MiramontesSocial Psychology, Counseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2011 Timothy Church (grad student)
Stacia B. Moffett
Michele E. Mooresleep, circadian rhythms, genetics Materials Science2014 Jonathan Wisor (grad student)
Michael M. MorganPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids
Mike Morgan
Ger K. MouaPersonality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Timothy Church (grad student)
Marcela A. MouraDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Sanjib Mukherjee2008 Steve Simasko (grad student)
Reka Natarajan2009 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Holly Neibergs Animal Science Jerry J. Reeves (grad student)
Heather M. Nissley2004 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Debra O'Connellclinical, forensic psycology2012 David Henry Peterzell (research assistant)
Mikel L. Olson2006 John Wright (grad student)
Kristine J. OlsonCounseling Psychology, General Business Administration, Educational Psychology Education Psychology - Experimental2011 Armando X. Estrada (grad student)
Megan L. OlsonClinical Psychology2007 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Brent J. OnealClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2007 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Marjolein OostromEthanol Dependence and Negative Affect
Fernando OrtizPersonality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Austin T. Church (grad student)
Marcella R. PalmerMental Health, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Cultural Anthropology2004 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Jaak PankseppAffective neuroscience
Monika ParikhCounseling Psychology Counseling Psychology2013 Laurie D. McCubbin (grad student)
Craig D. ParksBehavioral Psychology, Public Health
Robert PattersonVisual system
Shital P. Pavawalla2009 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
D Michael PavelEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology
James H. PetersNTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic
John D. PetersonPhysiological Ecology, Reproductive Endocrinology Erica J. Crespi (post-doc)
Derrick Phillips2012 Ilia N. Karatsoreos (grad student)
Raymond E Phinneyperception, cognition, sports Psychology19911995 Robert Patterson (grad student)
Gina R. Poesleep, memory, depression, PTSD, spindles, theta, learning
Kannapiran PonrajP450 Biochemistry, Alcoholism, Redox systems, Computational Biology
Amy Poopatanapong Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Christine V. PortforsAuditory system, Acoustic communication
Donelle C. PoseySocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology2005 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Michele T. PrimaveraGuidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education, Personality Psychology2004 Timothy Church (grad student)
Tahira ProbstBehavioral Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Kacy PulaBehavioral Psychology Experimental Psychology2012 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Raymond M. QuockPain, Nitrous oxide, Hyperbaric oxygen, Opioid
Quaneecia L. RaineyCounseling Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, African American Studies Counseling Psychology2011 Timothy Church (grad student)
John J. Randolph2001 Peter Arnett (grad student)
Sarah J. RangelCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latin American Studies Counseling Psychology2013 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Robert C. ReffClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2006 Paul Kwon (grad student)
Ben D. RichardsonGABAA Receptor, Glycine Receptor, Cerebellum, auditory, glutamate
Julie A. RickardClinical Psychology, Public Health2004 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Richard Lea RidgwayInvertebrate Neuroscience, Invertebrate Immunology, Marine Biology, Limnology, Phycology, Electron Microscopy, Fluorescence Microscopy, Cell Culture Zoology19801988 Stacia B. Moffett (grad student)
Mark W. RiemanBehavioral Psychology2003 Bernard Wong-On-Wing (grad student)
Robert C. RitterIngestive behavior Alan N. Epstein (grad student)
Sue Ritter
Jeremy B. RoarkClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2009 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Rachel E. RobertsonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Experimental Psychology2009 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Martina L. RodgersClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2008 Dennis G. Dyck (grad student)
Brooke Rogers Translational Medicine and Physiology20222023 Jason Robert Gerstner (research assistant)
Alicia D. Rueda2010 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
John M. RuizClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Ann C. RumbleSocial Psychology2003 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Tracy A. Ryan-BorchersNutrition, Immunology2004 Kathy A. Beerman (grad student)
Omar Sanchez-ArmassClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Personality Psychology2006 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Sean G. Sanders2003 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Chad J. Sanders Psychology - Clinical2014 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Kimber A. SavillePain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids Psychology - Experimental2014 Michael M. Morgan (grad student)
Ayman I. SayeghIngestive behavior2000 Robert C. Ritter (grad student)
Candace SchmidtGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology2006 Austin T. Church (grad student)
Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe
Hubert Schwabl
Hubert G. Schwablneuroendocrinology, phenotypic plasticity, maternal effects,
Samantha J. Schwartz-OscarCounseling Psychology, Aging, Gerontology Counseling Psychology2012 Marianne Barabasz (grad student)
Erik Scraggs Animal Science Holly Neibergs (post-doc)
Ronald E. SeeNeuropsychopharmacology; Addiction; Antipsychotic drugs
Adriana M. SeelyeClinical Psychology Clinical Psychology2013 Maureen S. Edgecombe (grad student)
Megan L. Seifert2007 Hubert Schwabl (grad student), Hubert G. Schwabl (grad student)
Jennifer A. SelfDevelopmental Psychology2010 Maria A. Gartstein (grad student)
Kristin R. SergeantSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Counseling Psychology2014 Timothy Church (grad student)
Brian A. SharplessUnusual and Rare Psychological Disorders, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Professional Issues, History of Clinical Psychology, 19th Century Continental Philosophy
Haiying Shen
Francesca ShippClinical Psychology Clinical Psychology2012 Leonard G. Burns (grad student)
Oluwanifemi Shola-Dare Neuroscience20192021 Jason Robert Gerstner (research assistant)
Janice M. SiegfordAnimal Welfare, Applied Ethology2003 Catherine Ulibarri (grad student)
Steve Simasko
Amy L. Simpson2001 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Sunil SirohiImpact of dependence on opioid receptor signalling2011 Brendan M. Walker (post-doc)
Evan P. Sleipness2006 Heiko Jansen (grad student)
Alexander CW SmithSynaptic plasticity, addiction, extracellular matrix Psychology20082010 Brendan M. Walker (research assistant)
Tristram H. SmithClinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Ronn J. SmithMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2004 Eric R. Spangenberg (grad student)
keith sockman
Keith Sockman Hubert Schwabl (grad student)
Elizabeth SolidaySocial Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Elizabeth A. SollNutrition, General Psychology2001 Kathy A. Beerman (grad student)
Barbara Sorg
Eric R. SpangenbergMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Leslie Sprunger
James B. StantonVeterinary Science Biology2008 Timothy V. Baszler (grad student)
Lauren M. StaskaVeterinary Science Biology, Immunology, Animal Pathology Agriculture2004 Timothy V. Baszler (grad student)
Deborah Stenkamp
Jonah Stickney Michael M. Morgan (research assistant), Benjamin O. Ladd (research assistant)
Erin C. Stoffelsex differences in drug effects2004 Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
Asako B. StoneSocial Psychology, International Law and Relations2006 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Traci StorySpeech Communication, Clinical Psychology2004 Joe Ayres (grad student)
Paul StrandClinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Bethany L. Suderman Mechanical Engineering2012 Anita Vasavada (grad student)
Eva Szentirmai
Bert Tanner
Patriya TansuhajMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Joe E. TedescoeBehavioral Psychology2005 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Alexandra L. TerrillClinical Psychology Clinical Psychology2012 John P. Garofalo (grad student)
Erin Thorntonanthropology, archaeology, zooarchaeology, isotopes, Mesoamerica, Maya
Amonrat ThoumrungrojeMarketing Business Administration2004 Patriya Tansuhaj (grad student)
Jutta M. TobiasSocial Psychology, Industrial Psychology, International Law and Relations2008 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Sarah TragesserClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Higher Education Administration Education
Heather B. TrueloveSocial Psychology2009 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Alan H. Tsengsex differences in drug effects2003 Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
Chiung-Hui TsengGeneral Business Administration, Management Business Administration2002 Patriya Tansuhaj (grad student)
Kimberly Tsutsui Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
Adrienne Tucker2008 Hans Van Dongen (grad student)
Helen C. Tupa'iHigher Education, Administration Education2005 D Michael Pavel (grad student)
Catherine UlibarriDevelopmental Neuroethology Pauline Yahr (grad student), Paul E. Micevych (post-doc), Rebecca M. Craft (collaborator)
Weerachai UssahawanitchakitMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration2002 Patriya Tansuhaj (grad student)
Hans Van Dongen
Michael D. VarnumIon Channels
Mike Varnum
Anita Vasavada
Brian L. VasquezPhysiological Psychology, Physical Education, Recreation2005 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Ben J. Vernasco Heather Watts (post-doc)
Fernando A VillaneaPopulation Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Biological Anthropology Biology20082016 Jeremiah W. Busch (grad student)
William D. VossClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2002 Dennis G. Dyck (grad student)
Alexa A. Wakley Experimental Psychology20082013 Rebecca M. Craft (grad student)
Brendan M. WalkerAlcohol & Drug Dependence, Withdrawal, Plasticity, Motivation, Impulsivity, Adolescence
Naomi Wallace IPN Ilia N. Karatsoreos (grad student)
Lin Wang
Jasmine V. Ware Neuroscience2012 Heiko Jansen (grad student)
Heather Watts
Gary Wayman Thomas Soderling (post-doc)
Andrea WeathersbySocial Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2004 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Jamie Lynn Weaverradioanalytical chemistry Engineering Chemistry20132016 John S. McCloy (grad student), Nathalie Wall (grad student)
Shannon M. WelchClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Recreation, Women's Studies2004 Arreed F. Barabasz (grad student)
Melanie L. Whetstine-RichelCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Gender Studies Counseling Psychology2013 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Timothy W. Whetstine-RichelCounseling Psychology, Gender Studies, General Psychology Counseling Psychology2014 Brian W. McNeill (grad student)
Joy R. WhitePersonality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2002 Timothy Church (grad student)
Paul Whitney
Michael F. Wiater2004 Sue Ritter (grad student)
Michelle C. WidolffPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids Psychology - Experimental2011 Michael M. Morgan (grad student)
Roberta V. Wiediger2008 John Wright (grad student)
Angela WilliamsDependence-induced negative affect2010 Brendan M. Walker (grad student)
Adrianne R. WilsonPain, Periaqueductal Gray, Opioids Neuroscience2011 Michael M. Morgan (grad student)
Marcia H. WilsonClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2010 Paul Strand (grad student)
Wendy Lorel WilsonAlzheimer's Disease- Learning & Memory, Thirst and Sodium Appetite, Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology20012007 John Wright (grad student)
Kaitlin Wilson Animal Science Holly Neibergs (grad student)
Steven N WinterWildlife disease ecology
Bradley D. Winterssynaptic plasticity and dendritic physiology Neuroscience20082012 James M. Krueger (grad student), Yan Dong (grad student)
Aaron K. Wirick2009 John M. Hinson (grad student)
Jonathan Wisorsleep, circadian rhythms, genetics
Bernard Wong-On-WingBehavioral Psychology
Tanichya K. WongprasertSpeech Communication2000 Joe Ayres (grad student)
Ellen Woo2006 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
John Wright
Matthew J. WrightCognitive Sequelae & Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury, Psychometrics & Test Development, Memory, Brain Stimulation, HIV-Associated Cognitive Impairment, Neurocognitive Predictors of Functional Outcome Psychology20012006 Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe (grad student)
Lora J. Wu Clinical Psychology2013 Greg Belenky (grad student)
Jun Xu
Xiaojing XuBehavioral Psychology Experimental Psychology2012 Craig D. Parks (grad student)
Brent J. Yamamoto2006 Joseph W. Harding (grad student)
Francis A. Young
Ricardo ZanellaAnimal Genetics, Animal reproduction Animal Sciences Animal Science20062011 Holly Neibergs (grad student), Jerry J. Reeves (research assistant)
Yangmiao ZhangPain, Hyperbaric oxygen, Opioid2010 Raymond M. Quock (grad student)
Jingchuan Zhangweight lossfeeding
Liying Zheng Mechanical Engineering2011 Anita Vasavada (grad student)
Michael P. Zimber2000 Steve Simasko (grad student)
Fred C. Zwickel Irven Otto Buss (grad student)