Elizabeth R. Kazakoff, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Child Development | Tufts University, Boston |
Developmental Psychology, Technology of Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology EducationGoogle:
"Elizabeth Kazakoff"Mean distance: 24.48 (cluster 25)
Sign in to add mentorMarina Bers | grad student | 2014 | Tufts | |
(Cats in Space, Pigs that Race: Does self-regulation play a role when kindergartners learn to code?) |
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Wilkes S, Kazakoff ER, Prescott JE, et al. (2020) Measuring the impact of a blended learning model on early literacy growth Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 36: 595-609 |
Prescott JE, Bundschuh K, Kazakoff ER, et al. (2018) Elementary school–wide implementation of a blended learning program for reading intervention Journal of Educational Research. 111: 497-506 |
Kazakoff ER, Macaruso P, Hook P. (2018) Efficacy of a blended learning approach to elementary school reading instruction for students who are English Learners Educational Technology Research and Development. 66: 429-449 |
Schechter RL, Kazakoff ER, Bundschuh K, et al. (2017) Exploring the Impact of Engaged Teachers on Implementation Fidelity and Reading Skill Gains in a Blended Learning Reading Program Reading Psychology. 38: 553-579 |
Schechter R, Macaruso P, Kazakoff ER, et al. (2015) Exploration of a Blended Learning Approach to Reading Instruction for Low SES Students in Early Elementary Grades Computers in the Schools. 32: 183-200 |
Kazakoff ER, Bers MU. (2014) Put your robot in, put your robot out: Sequencing through programming robots in early childhood Journal of Educational Computing Research. 50: 553-573 |
Bers MU, Flannery L, Kazakoff ER, et al. (2014) Computational thinking and tinkering: Exploration of an early childhood robotics curriculum Computers and Education. 72: 145-157 |
Sullivan A, Kazakoff ER, Bers MU. (2013) The Wheels on the Bot Go Round and Round: Robotics Curriculum in Pre-Kindergarten. Journal of Information Technology Education : Innovations in Practice. 12: 203-219 |
Flannery LP, Kazakoff ER, Bontá P, et al. (2013) Designing ScratchJr: Support for early childhood learning through computer programming Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. 1-10 |
Kazakoff ER, Sullivan A, Bers MU. (2013) The Effect of a Classroom-Based Intensive Robotics and Programming Workshop on Sequencing Ability in Early Childhood Early Childhood Education Journal. 41: 245-255 |