Casey D. Trainor, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR |
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"Casey Trainor"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorMatthew T. Feldner | grad student | 2011 | University of Arkansas | |
(Valence as a moderator of the relation between pre-sleep cognitive arousal and sleep-onset latency.) |
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Blumenthal H, Leen-Feldner EW, Badour CL, et al. (2014) Pubertal maturation and cortisol level in response to a novel social environment among female adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. 37: 893-900 |
Bujarski SJ, Feldner MT, Lewis SF, et al. (2012) Marijuana use among traumatic event-exposed adolescents: posttraumatic stress symptom frequency predicts coping motivations for use. Addictive Behaviors. 37: 53-9 |
Blumenthal H, Leen-Feldner EW, Babson KA, et al. (2011) Elevated social anxiety among early maturing girls. Developmental Psychology. 47: 1133-40 |
Babson K, Feldner M, Badour C, et al. (2011) Posttraumatic stress and sleep: differential relations across types of symptoms and sleep problems. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 25: 706-13 |
Badour CL, Feldner MT, Babson KA, et al. (2011) Differential Emotional Responding to Ideographic Cues of Traumatic Interpersonal Violence Compared to Non-Interpersonal Traumatic Experiences Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 2: 400-417 |
Babson KA, Trainor CD, Feldner MT, et al. (2010) A test of the effects of acute sleep deprivation on general and specific self-reported anxiety and depressive symptoms: an experimental extension. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 41: 297-303 |
Babson KA, Feldner MT, Connolly KM, et al. (2010) Subjective sleep quality and anxious and fearful responding to bodily arousal among children and adolescents Cognitive Therapy and Research. 34: 359-367 |
Babson KA, Feldner MT, Trainor CD, et al. (2009) An experimental investigation of the effects of acute sleep deprivation on panic-relevant biological challenge responding. Behavior Therapy. 40: 239-50 |
Blumenthal H, Leen-Feldner EW, Trainor CD, et al. (2009) Interactive roles of pubertal timing and peer relations in predicting social anxiety symptoms among youth. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society For Adolescent Medicine. 44: 401-3 |
Feldner MT, Leen-Feldner EW, Trainor C, et al. (2008) Smoking and posttraumatic stress symptoms among adolescents: does anxiety sensitivity matter? Addictive Behaviors. 33: 1470-6 |