Sara H. Konrath
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Behavioral PsychologyGoogle:
"Sara Konrath"Mean distance: 18.51
Sign in to add mentorMichael Ross | research assistant | 1998-2002 | University of Waterloo |
Anne E. Wilson | research assistant | 1998-2002 | University of Waterloo |
Brad J. Bushman | grad student | 2002-2007 | |
Norbert W. Schwarz | grad student | 2002-2007 | (LinguisTree) |
David G. Winter | grad student | 2002-2007 | University of Michigan |
Sign in to add traineeDavid Andrew Reinhard | research assistant | 2010-2011 | University of Michigan (PsychTree) |
Ruth K. Hansen | grad student | 2018 | IUPUI (Nonprofit Studies Tree) |
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Meier BP, Konrath S, Fetterman AK, et al. (2022) Development and Validation of the Single-Item Mindfulness Scale (SIMS). Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-13 |
Grynberg D, Konrath S. (2020) The closer you feel, the more you care: Positive associations between closeness, pain intensity rating, empathic concern and personal distress to someone in pain. Acta Psychologica. 210: 103175 |
Jagsi R, Griffith KA, Carrese JA, et al. (2020) Public Attitudes Regarding Hospitals and Physicians Encouraging Donations From Grateful Patients. Jama. 324: 270-278 |
Konrath S, Handy F. (2020) The Good-looking Giver Effect: The Relationship Between Doing Good and Looking Good: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 89976402095083 |
Qu H, Konrath S, Poulin M. (2020) Which types of giving are associated with reduced mortality risk among older adults? Personality and Individual Differences. 154: 109668 |
Schuldt JP, Enns PK, Konrath S, et al. (2020) Shifting views on “global warming” and “climate change” in the United States Journal of Environmental Psychology. 69: 101414 |
Tian Y, Konrath S. (2020) Can too much similarity between donors crowd out charitable donations? an experimental investigation of the role of similarity in social influence on giving behavior Current Psychology. 1-13 |
Oh J, Chopik WJ, Konrath S, et al. (2019) Longitudinal Changes in Empathy Across the Life Span in Six Samples of Human Development Social Psychological and Personality Science. 11: 244-253 |
Konrath S. (2019) Exercising empathy Science. 364: 1142-1142 |
Konrath S. (2019) Museums as Weavers of the Invisible Strings that Connect us Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. 68: 327-342 |