John O. Bishop

University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
"John Bishop"
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Xiaojing Ma grad student 1987 Edinburgh (Chemistry Tree)
Michael Rosbash post-doc 1970-1974 Edinburgh
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Clark AJ, Clissold PM, Bishop JO. (1982) Variation between mouse major urinary protein genes isolated from a single inbred line. Gene. 18: 221-30
Bishop JO. (1979) A DNA sequence cleaved by restriction endonuclease R.EcoRI in only one strand. Journal of Molecular Biology. 128: 545-9
Izquierdo M, Bishop JO. (1979) An analysis of cytoplasmic RNA populations in Drosophila melanogaster, Oregon R. Biochemical Genetics. 17: 473-97
Perlman S, Phillips C, Bishop JO. (1976) A study of foldback DNA. Cell. 8: 33-42
Bishop JO, Beckmann JS, Campo MS, et al. (1975) DNA-RNA hybridization. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 272: 147-57
Bishop JO, Morton JG, Rosbash M, et al. (1974) Three abundance classes in HeLa cell messenger RNA. Nature. 250: 199-204
Bishop JO, Rosbash M. (1974) Polynucleotide sequences in eukaryotic DNA and RNA that form ribonuclease-resistant complexes with polyuridylic acid. Journal of Molecular Biology. 85: 75-86
Bishop JO, Freeman KB. (1974) DNA sequences neighboring the duck hemoglobin genes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 38: 707-16
Spradling A, Penman S, Campo MS, et al. (1974) Repetitious and unique sequences in the heterogeneous nuclear and cytoplasmic messenger RNA of mammalian and insect cells. Cell. 3: 23-30
Rosbash M, Ford PJ, Bishop JO. (1974) Analysis of the C-value paradox by molecular hybridization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 71: 3746-50
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