University of Edinburgh

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Catherine M. Abbott
David Howard AbbottBehavioral Neuroendocrinology1979 John P. Hearn (grad student)
Taher Abdelhameed Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
David AbercrombiePhonetics
Luigi AcerbiComputational neuroscience School of Informatics20102014 Sethu Vijayakumar (grad student)
Paulo Castro Aguiarcomputational neuroscience, neuroengineering, neural computation, computational biology Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation David Willshaw (grad student)
Sofie Ährlund-Richter Richard G.M. Morris (research assistant)
James A. Aingespatial cognition, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus Emma Wood (post-doc)
Yana Aleksandrova Simone L. Meddle (grad student)
Charles Alston
Gerry T.M. AltmannPsycholinguistics1986 Mark J. Steedman (grad student)
Ines S. Amorim Christos G. Gkogkas (grad student)
Jan Antolikcomputational neuroscience, visual system, topographic maps, surround modulation20062010 James A. Bednar (grad student)
Daisy Arkell Centre for Discovery Brain Science20142018 Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Richard H. AshleyIon Channels
Christopher E. Ballvisual system, color vision, visual development, computational models20082015 James A. Bednar (grad student)
David M. Bannerman Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
John Barclay John Bell (grad student)
Ellen Bard
Leonard Ernest Bayliss
Geoffrey Beale Genetics Genetics Henrik Kacser (collaborator), Richard Carter (collaborator)
James A. Bednarcomputational neuroscience, visual system, topographic maps, development
Jean D. Beggs
Charles Bellneurology, anatomy, surgery John Bell (grad student)
John Bellanatomy Alexander (lang Sandy) Wood (grad student)
Jeanne E. Bell
Karen F.S. Bell
Brooke Benz Elena Gherri (grad student)
Miguel O. Bernabeu
Apoorva BhandariSpatial cognition Emma Wood (grad student)
Brenda Bigland-Ritchie Leonard Ernest Bayliss (research assistant)
Guy O. BillingsTheoretical Neuroscience20082008 Mark C. van Rossum (grad student), Richard G.M. Morris (grad student), Angus Silver (post-doc)
Steven BirdComputational Linguistics Centre for Cognitive Science19871990 Ewan Hamilton Klein (grad student)
Adrian Bird Max L. Birnstiel (grad student)
John O. Bishop Geoffrey Beale (grad student)
Joseph Black17511756 William Cullen (grad student), Robert Whytt (grad student), Charles Alston (grad student), Alexander (secundus) Monro (grad student)
Johan J. Bolhuisbirdsong, imprinting, memory, learning19891990 Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
Sam A. Booker
Matthew James BroadheadSynapse Biology, Super-Resolution Microscopy, Glial Biology Seth Grant (grad student)
Sam Brody2009 Mirella Lapata (grad student)
Colin H. Brown19962000 Gareth Leng (post-doc), John A. Russell (post-doc)
Paula J. BruntonStress, HPA axis, pregnancy, fetal programming, oxytocin, neuroendocrinology19982002 John A. Russell (grad student)
James Lord Monboddo BurnettEvolution, Linguistics, Law, Philosophy17461761 David Hume (collaborator)
Javier F. CaceresmRNA splicing
Richard Carter1971 Geoffrey Beale (grad student)
Sarah Caughey Simone L. Meddle (grad student)
Fernando CerveroPain Ainsley Iggo (post-doc)
Matthew ChalkComputational neuroscience20082012 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Thomas Chalmers
Elise Chang Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain2024 Marino Pagan (grad student)
Nick Chater Psychology1989 David Willshaw (grad student), Robin Hayes Cooper (grad student), Terry Myers (grad student)
Guiquan ChenNeurodegenerative diseases Neuroscience20002005 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Thomas Wei ChenDesign of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Systems, Analog and Mixed Signal Circuit Design, Bioelectronics, Biosensors, CAD Methodology for VLSI, Low Power Circuit Design Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering19841986 David Renshaw (grad student), John Mavor (grad student), Peter Denyer (grad student)
Giselle Cheung Michael A. Cousin (post-doc)
Chih-Yuan Chiang2011 Peter Kind (grad student)
B P. ChoudhuryVisual System, Transmitters David Whitteridge (grad student)
Matthew A ChurchwardMicroglia, biochemistry, neuroscience Centre for Integrative Physiology20102011 Michael A. Cousin (post-doc)
Francesco Cimminella Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Eve V. ClarkChild language acquisition1969 John Lyons (grad student)
Emma L Clayton Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
Ann Clemens
Stuart Cobbneurophysiology
Neville Cobbe M M. Heck (grad student)
Matteo Colombo20082012 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Martin Corleypsycholingustics
Jesus M CortesComputational Neuroscience, Computational Neuroimaging, Data Science Mark C. van Rossum (post-doc)
Ignasi CosComputational Neuroscience Gillian Hayes (grad student), Andrew Gillies (grad student)
Rui Ponte CostaComputational Neuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity, Cortical Networks, Machine Learning Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation20142014 Mark C. van Rossum (grad student), David Willshaw (grad student), Robert Froemke (collaborator), Robert Legenstein (collaborator), Wolfgang Maass (collaborator)
Michael A. CousinSynaptic vesicle recycling Philip J. Robinson (grad student), David G. Nicholls (grad student)
Andrew Paul Cox20022006 Susan Welburn (grad student)
Alexander Crichtonpsychiatry Alexander (lang Sandy) Wood (grad student)
William Cullen17341736 Andrew Plummer (research assistant)
Anna Currey20162019 Kenneth Heafield (grad student)
Bruno M. da SilvaNeuroscience, synaptic plasticity and memory Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Stephanie Daumas Behavioural Neuroscience, Alzheimer disease20052009 Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc), Bernard Frances (grad student), Emma R. Wood (collaborator)
Elizabeth Davenport2011 Josef T. Kittler (grad student)
Michael I. DawBarrel cortex, interneurons, electrophysiology
Gavin Stewart DaweBevhavioural neuroscience, Neuropsychopharmacology19891990 Richard G.M. Morris (research assistant)
Peter Dayan David Willshaw (grad student)
Rakel Lopez de MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit20022004 Stuart Maudsley (post-doc)
Peter Denyer
Peter DewsBehavioral pharmacology19471948 John Henry Gaddum (research assistant)
Anthony Dickinson Brendan McGonigle (grad student)
Paul D. Dodson20062010 Matthew F. Nolan (grad student)
Lucy F. Donaldson Daniel S. McQueen (grad student)
Stephen M. DranceGlaucoma Henry Moss Traquair (research scientist)
Rory Duncan Richard H. Ashley (grad student), M J. Shipston (post-doc)
Adrian J. DuszkiewiczMemory consolidation, hippocampus, head-direction cells, neural dynamics20182015 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student), Emma Wood (post-doc)
Mayank B. Dutiavestibular system
William C. Earnshaw
Robert G. Edwardsreproductive medicine, in-vitro fertilisation1957 R. Alan Beatty (grad student)
Stephen EglenVisual system, Development, Computational modelling David Willshaw (grad student)
Tommas J. EllenderNeuromodulation, development, hippocampus, basal ganglia20032004 Peter Kind (research assistant)
David Elliscardiac muscle electophysiology
Susan van Erp Jeroen Pasterkamp (grad student)
Gareth J.O EvansNeuronal kinase signalling Michael A. Cousin (post-doc)
Martin Evans
Helen Falconer Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
Douglas S. Falconer
H E. Findlay Richard H. Ashley (grad student)
Erminia Fiorentino Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Michael Fischberg Embryology1949 Conrad Hal Waddington (post-doc)
Lukas Fischer2015 Matthew F. Nolan (grad student)
Sue Fleetwood-Walker Rory Mitchell (collaborator)
Sue Fletcher-Watson
Nuria Garcia Font Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain2024 Marino Pagan (post-doc)
Wolter Forsten VerschuirPraxis Medica, Pathology, Chemistry1767 William Cullen (research scientist)
Valerio FrancioniCortex, Dendrites, Computation, Circuits, 2-Photon imaging2015 Nathalie Rochefort (grad student)
Andi Fugard2009 Keith Stenning (grad student), Robert Logie (grad student)
Jian GanNeurophysiology
R. Michael Gazevisual system, development
Nikos GekasComputational Neuroscience20112015 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Spandana GellaNatural Language Processing School of Informatics School of Informatics20142018 Frank Keller (grad student), Mirella Lapata (grad student)
Lisa GenzelSleep, Memory, Systems Consolidation, Semantic Memory20122016 Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
Kathleen GeraghtySpeech-Language Pathology, Child language acquisition, Cognitive development Linguistics20062007 Mits Ota (grad student)
Elena GherriAttention, Action, Perception links, Touch, ERPs
Daniel GiffneyAutism, Learning & Memory, Translational Neuroscience SIDB Peter Kind (research assistant)
Andrew GilliesBasal ganglia, computational neuroscience David Willshaw (post-doc)
Lindsey M. Gilling McIntoshclinical neuroscience Division of Psychiatry20152018 Lindsay Thomson (grad student)
Christos G. GkogkasNeuroscience, Translational Control
Francesco Gobbosynaptic plasticity, learning and memory2019 Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
Geoffrey J. GoodhillComputational neuroscience, axon guidance, visual system development19921994 David Willshaw (post-doc)
Roman GoulardEthology, Insects navigation, vision
Ewout Groen Jeroen Pasterkamp (grad student)
Frederica Guazzo Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Olivia Haggis Simone L. Meddle (grad student)
Jane Haley Richard R. Ribchester (post-doc)
Marshall HallReflexes
Jeremy HallPsychiatry
Aaron J Hamersymbolic connectionism, knowledge representation, language acquisition
David W HamptonNeurodegenerative Diseases, astrocytes, in vivo, stem cells
Giles E. HardinghamNMDA receptors
Oliver HardtForgetting, Memory Maintenance
Benjamin J. Harrison Ted Hupp (grad student)
Roxanne D. HawkinsClinical Psychology, Anthrozoology, Primatology,
Gillian Hayesimitation learning, reinforcement learning, robotics, vision
Kenneth Heafield
M M. Heck William C. Earnshaw (grad student)
Matthias H. Hennigcomputational neuroscience, retina, neural development, homeostasis, synaptic transmission20062008 David Willshaw (post-doc)
Chris Henstridge20142016 Tara L. Spires-Jones (post-doc)
Abigail Grace Herrmann20132016 Tara L. Spires-Jones (post-doc), Oliver Hardt (post-doc)
Geoff Hideparasitology, genetics, protozoology, evolution, epidemiology Genetics19821988 Andy Tait (grad student), Susan Welburn (collaborator)
Zoe Hodgson Simone L. Meddle (grad student)
Thomas Charles Hope1787 Joseph Black (grad student)
Zachary Hornecognitive science, reasoning, explanation
Karen HorsburghCerebral metabolism, pathology
Joseph W Houpt20052006 Frank Keller (grad student)
Falk HuettigExperimental Psychology
Abbie Angharad HughesComparative Vision19641968 David Whitteridge (grad student)
Michael Hullmodelling, CPG, Xenopus David Willshaw (grad student)
Ted Hupp
Phillip HusbandsTheoretical Neuroscience, Philosophy, Evolution1989 Frank Mill (grad student)
Ainsley IggoPain, somatosensory systems
Calli Ingham
Kate J. Jefferyhippocampus, entorhinal cortex, place cells, grid cells19901993 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Bryan W. JenkinsBehavioral pharmacology, Neurophysiology, Preclinical disease modeling, Psychopharmacology Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems20132014 Emma Wood (grad student), Paul Dudchenko (grad student)
Alex Johnson Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
Eve Johnstone
Masaki Kakeyama Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
N Karoulias Richard H. Ashley (grad student)
Frank Povilas Karvelis Informatics20162020 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Danai Katsanevaki Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences Oliver Hardt (grad student)
John S. Kelly
Peter KindDevelopmental Neuroscience Sumantra Shona Chattarji (collaborator)
Dione T. KobayashiNeurodegeneration, Neurobiology20022005 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Klaus Kohler David Abercrombie (grad student)
Stella Kouloulia Christos G. Gkogkas (grad student)
Stella Koutsikou19981999 Sue Fleetwood-Walker (grad student)
Hania KöverAuditory system Roger Redondo (research assistant)
Irina Kozlova Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Dina KronhausFMRI, cognitive neuroscience David Willshaw (grad student)
Gilliard LachNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Neuropeptides, Amygdala, Fear, Anxiety Christos G. Gkogkas (grad student)
Peter LadefogedPhonetics David Abercrombie (grad student)
yuting laineuroendocrine system
Rosamund F. Langstonspatal cognition, episodic memory, hippocampus Emma Wood (grad student), Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Mirella Lapata Human Communication Christopher Brew (grad student)
Karim Rivera Lares Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Margaret H. LaurieAutism Spectrum Disorders, Technology, Child Development Patrick Wild Centre Moray House School of Education20162019 Sue Fletcher-Watson (grad student), Andrew Manches (grad student)
Judith S. LawVisual System, Computational modelling20052010 James A. Bednar (grad student)
David N. Lee
Robert Legenstein
Gareth LengNeuroendocrinology
Joseph ListerSurgery James Syme (grad student)
Robert Logie
Dawn H. LohCircadian Rhythms Neuroscience Catherine M. Abbott (grad student)
Kit D. Longden David Willshaw (grad student)
Charles Lyell1821 Robert Jameson (grad student)
David A. LyonsDevelopmental neurobiology
Thomas J. MacGillivray
Lucy MacGregor Martin Corley (grad student), David I. Donaldson (grad student)
Ailsa Mackay Simone L. Meddle (grad student)
Kenneth T. MacLeod Physiology David Ellis (grad student)
Hamish Macleod
George Malcolm Psychology20072010 John M. Henderson (grad student)
Andrew Manches
Aubrey Manninganimal behaviour, development, evolution
Morag K. Mansley Stuart M. Wilson (grad student)
C Martin Richard H. Ashley (grad student)
Andrea E. Martinpsycholinguistics, language processing, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, neural oscillations Psychology Leonidas A. Doumas (collaborator)
Jasna Martinovic
Anna Mas-Casadesús Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences20142020 Elena Gherri (grad student)
Michi MatsukuraVisual Attention, Visual Memory John M. Henderson (post-doc), James R. Brockmole (post-doc)
Michi Matsukura
Ian Maudlin
Stuart MaudsleyG protein-coupled receptors, Molecular Pharmacology, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Gerontology
John Mavor
Sarah L Maxwell Institute for Stem Cell Research Meng Li (grad student)
Neil A. McDonald
Jamie McGhee Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Brendan McGonigle
Robert D. McIntosh Stephanie Rossit (collaborator)
Ronald D.G. McKaystem cells19711974 Edwin M. Southern (grad student)
Corey T. McMillanCognitive Neuroscience of Language, psycholinguistics Martin Corley (grad student), Robin Lickley (grad student)
Daniel S. McQueen
Estelle Meaux Oliver Hardt (post-doc)
Claire Medine Rory Duncan (grad student)
Da MiDevelopmental Neurobiology Biomedical School Biomedical School20132014 David Jonathan Price (grad student), David Jonathan Price (post-doc)
Frank Mill
James Minchin20042008 Simon M. Hughes (grad student)
Rory MitchellGPCRs, Signalling pathways
Alexander (secundus) Monro17511755 Alexander (primus) Monro (grad student), Andrew Plummer (grad student)
Bruno José MoraesBiochemistry, Learning, Memory, Behaviour20132014 Oliver Hardt (grad student)
Alexander Morisonpsychiatry Alexander (lang Sandy) Wood (grad student)
Richard G.M. MorrisLearning and Memory, synaptic plasticity
Andrew Morton2009 Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
Edvard I. Moserspatial orientation Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
May-Britt MoserSpatial recognition Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
Arish Mudra Rakshasa-Lootspsychiatry, HIV, neuroinflammation Division of Psychiatry Division of Psychiatry20242024 Heather C. Whalley (grad student), Daniel J. Smith (post-doc)
Kim Nasmyth1977 J. Murdoch Mitchison (grad student)
Sarfaraz Nawaz2022 Peter Kind (grad student)
Matthew F. Nolan
Colin Michael O'CarrollSynaptic plasticity/Memory19982003 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Cian O'Donnellsynaptic plasticity, memory, autism20072011 Mark C. van Rossum (grad student), Matthew F. Nolan (grad student)
Marlies OostlandNeuronal mechanisms underlying behaviour20132017 Matthew F. Nolan (post-doc), Ian C. Duguid (post-doc)
Iris OrenSynaptic, network neurophysiology
Mits Ota
Timothy O’Leary20062009 Mark C. van Rossum (grad student)
Marino PaganSystems Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience
Christopher Palmercomputational neuroscience, visual system, processing of spatial frequency20052009 James A. Bednar (grad student)
Marina PapoutsiBroca's area, topographic maps20042009 James A. Bednar (grad student)
Graeme P. PhillipsonVisual psychophysics20062009 Jenny C.A. Read (grad student)
Sara Pluviano Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Mick PowerClinical Psychology
Brian PremchandBrain-machine interfaces, machine learning, data analytics Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences20132018 Ian C. Duguid (grad student)
David Jonathan Price Colin Blakemore (grad student)
Ruby S Prinsensocial cognition, embodied cognition, attention, action, multisensory processing, Psychology, Philosophy, and Language Sciences20172018 Elena Gherri (grad student)
Simran Purokayasthaattention, perception, eye movements, Alzheimer's disease Psychology Psychology Psychology20122013 Robert D. McIntosh (collaborator), David Carmel (grad student), Robert D. McIntosh (research assistant)
Idoia Quintana-UrzainquiDevelopmental Neurobiology, Evolution of the Nervous System
Donald G. Rainnieemotion, electrophysiology19851988 John S. Kelly (grad student)
Siva Reddy School of Informatics School of Informatics20122017 Mark J. Steedman (grad student), Mirella Lapata (grad student)
Roger Redondospatial memory; hippocampus2003 Richard G.M. Morris (grad student), Emma Wood (grad student)
David Reichert20082012 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
David Renshaw
Linda Repetto Xia Shen (grad student)
Stephen Rhodes Psychology20192021 Bradley R. Buchsbaum (post-doc)
Hilary Richardsontheory of mind, developmental cognitive neuroscience
Colin Rickman Rory Duncan (post-doc)
Derek N. RobertsonHypothalamic Development, GPCRs, Signalling Pathways, proteomics20012006 Rory Mitchell (grad student)
Nathalie Rochefort
Liana RomaniukComputational Neuroscience, Schizophrenia, Motor System David J. McGonigle (grad student)
Michael RosbashMolecular Genetics of RNA Processing and Behavior19701974 John O. Bishop (post-doc)
Janine I. RossatoMemory, Learning Richard G.M. Morris (post-doc)
Philipp J F RudigerDevelopment, Visual System, Primary Visual Cortex20112014 James A. Bednar (grad student)
Samuel Rupprechter Informatics20162020 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Benjamin Rush1768 William Cullen (grad student), Joseph Black (grad student)
John A. Russell
John Rutherfordmedicine
Riccardo Sacripante Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Sergio Della Sala
Kapil SaxenaStress, learning and memory CDBS Richard G.M. Morris (grad student)
Ilaria Taglialatela Scafati Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
Catriona Louise ScrivenerVisual attention, EEG, fMRI
Kirthi Nissanka Seneviratne David Whitteridge (grad student)
Peggy Serièscomputational psychiatry Aaron R. Seitz (collaborator), frederic chavane (collaborator)
Ruth Rama Shah20132017 Adrian Bird (grad student)
William SharpeyAnatomy John Barclay (grad student)
Edward Albert Sharpey-SchaferPhysiology
Xia Shen
Richard Shillcock
M J. ShipstonBK channels
Konstanze Simbriger Christos G. Gkogkas (grad student)
Karen J. Smillie Michael A. Cousin (grad student)
Colin Smith
Tim J Smith Psychology20072010 John M. Henderson (post-doc)
Daniel J. Smith
Martino SorbaroComputational Neuroscience, Machine Learning School of Informatics20142018 Matthias H. Hennig (grad student)
Marton SoskuthyLinguistics, Phonology
Grigorios SotiropoulosComputational Neuroscience20102014 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Edwin M. SouthernDNA organization, chromosome structure
Tara L. Spires-Jonesdendritic spine plasticity, Alzheimer's disease
Michael Spratlingcomputational neuroscience, visual system Gillian Hayes (grad student)
Andreea Stamate Sergio Della Sala (grad student)
David SterrattComputational neuroscience David Willshaw (grad student), David Willshaw (post-doc)
Volker Steubercomputational neuroscience, systems biology, biocomputation David Willshaw (grad student)
Aleks Stolicyn Informatics20132017 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Justin Sulik
Gulsen SurmeliNeural circuits of behaviour Integrative Physiology Matthew F. Nolan (post-doc)
Yann Sweeneycortical network models, neural plasticity Informatics20112015 Matthias H. Hennig (grad student)
Andy Tait Genetics Geoffrey Beale (grad student)
Bharath Chandra TalluriCognitive Neuroscience Informatics Informatics20132014 James A. Bednar (grad student), Peggy Seriès (research assistant)
Teris, Wing Kin TamStroke rehabilitation, brain computer interface, spatial memory
Heng-Ru May TanNeuroimaging, Magnetoencephalography, Motor Control David N. Lee (grad student), Colwyn Trevarthen (research assistant)
Kai Boon TanDevelopmental Neurobiology Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences20172020 David Jonathan Price (grad student)
Lindsay Thomson
Tian Tian20152019 Idoia Quintana-Urzainqui (grad student)
Tian TianDevelopmental Neuroscience
Sally Till2006 Peter Kind (post-doc)
Megan Torvell CCBS20122015 David W Hampton (grad student)
Henry Moss Traquair
Colwyn Trevarthen
Konstantinos TsagkaridisVisual Perception, Perception & Action, Action Affordances, Real World Scenes20072010 James R. Brockmole (grad student), John M. Henderson (grad student)
Dorothy TseMemory Consolidation Richard G.M. Morris (grad student), Ken KL Yung (research assistant)
Yanina TsenkinaWhite matter and cognition20082011 Karen Horsburgh (grad student), Emma R. Wood (grad student)
Alice Turk
Rein Ulijn Chemistry20012003 Sabine Flitsch (post-doc)
Henryk F. UrbanskiCircadian rhythms, neuroendocrinology, aging, cognition, reproductive neuroendocrine axis Institute of Animal Genetics Douglas S. Falconer (grad student)
Vincent ValtonComputational Neuroscience / Computational Psychiatry Informatics -- Institute for Adaptive & Neural Computation (IANC)20092014 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Matthijs A. van der Meerreplay, memory, decision-making, reward20032007 Mark C. van Rossum (grad student), Emma Wood (grad student), Paul Dudchenko (grad student)
Amy Lynnette Van DeusenNeuroscience, Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Neural Development20132014 Tilo J. Kunath (grad student)
Nicola van RijsbergenCognitive neuroscience, psychophysics, hippocampus David Willshaw (grad student)
Mark C. van Rossumcomputational neuroscience
Samarth VarmaEpisodic Memory, Consolidation, Mindwandering Neuroscience Psychology Informatics20102012 Alexa Morcom (research assistant), Robert Logie (grad student), Richard Shillcock (grad student)
Navneet A. Vasisthaneurogenesis, comparative Centre for Clinical Brain Science20132017 Siddharthan Chandran (post-doc)
Sethu Vijayakumar
Melissa L-H VoVisual Attention Psychology John M. Henderson (post-doc)
Bartlomiej Waclaw School of Physics and Astronomy20092012 Martin Evans (post-doc)
David Walliker Genetics Geoffrey Beale (post-doc)
Charles Warlow
William H. Warren David N. Lee (post-doc)
Susan Welburn Ian Maudlin (grad student)
Gert WestermannConnectionism, cognitive development, categorisation, language acquisition19952000 David Willshaw (grad student), Richard Shillcock (grad student)
Heather C. Whalley
Melanie D. White Matthew F. Nolan (post-doc)
Robert Whytt17301734 Alexander (primus) Monro (grad student)
Joanne WilliamsApplied Developmental Psychology
David Willshaw1971 Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins (grad student)
Caspar Wistaranatomy1786 William Cullen (grad student)
Thomas Wolbersspatial cognition, cognitive neuroscience George R. Mangun (grad student)
Alexander (lang Sandy) Woodsurgery Thomas Young (grad student)
Emma WoodNeuroscience, memory, hippocampus
Emma R. WoodSpatial learning and memory
Hanan WoodsVisual Systems, Environmental Enrichment SIDB20202024 Seth Grant (grad student)
David J. Wyllieglutamate receptors
Stuart YarrowComputational Neuroscience, Auditory20102014 Peggy Seriès (grad student)
Fabian Sii Liang YiiMyopia, Perimetry
Thomas Youngsurgery John Rutherford (grad student)
Chen (Roger) Zhaoface aftereffects, computational neuroscience, psychophysics20062011 James A. Bednar (grad student)
Binglei Zhao Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences Psychology20142019 Elena Gherri (grad student), Sergio Della Sala (grad student)