Marie Karlsson, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2015 | Psychology | University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR |
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Women's StudiesGoogle:
"Marie Karlsson"Mean distance: 19430.2
Sign in to add mentorPatricia A. Petretic | grad student | 2015 | University of Arkansas | |
(Evaluating a Brief Sexual Violence Therapy Group for Incarcerated Women.) |
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Bull C, Steely-Smith M, Bossard M, et al. (2024) To SHARE or not to SHARE: Exploring incarcerated women's decisions about enrolling in exposure-based group therapy. Psychological Services |
Dueweke AR, Higuera DE, Zielinski MJ, et al. (2022) Does Group Size Matter? Group Size and Symptom Reduction Among Incarcerated Women Receiving Psychotherapy Following Sexual Violence Victimization. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. 72: 1-33 |
Zielinski MJ, Karlsson ME, Bridges AJ. (2021) "I'm not alone, my story matters": Incarcerated women's perspectives on the impact and acceptability of group psychotherapy involving imaginal exposure to sexual assault memories. Health & Justice. 9: 25 |
Karlsson ME, Zielinski MJ, Calvert M, et al. (2021) Decreases in psychiatric symptoms persist following exposure-based group therapy for sexual violence victimization among incarcerated women. Psychological Services |
Zielinski MJ, Allison MK, Roberts LT, et al. (2020) Implementing and Sustaining SHARE: An Exposure-Based Psychotherapy Group for Incarcerated Women Survivors of Sexual Violence. American Journal of Community Psychology |
Baker DE, Hill M, Chamberlain K, et al. (2020) Interpersonal vs. Non-Interpersonal Cumulative Traumas and Psychiatric Symptoms in Treatment-Seeking Incarcerated Women. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 1-16 |
Bridges AJ, Baker DE, Hurd LE, et al. (2020) How Does Timing Affect Trauma Treatment for Women Who Are Incarcerated? An Empirical Analysis Criminal Justice and Behavior. 47: 631-648 |
Karlsson ME, Zielinski MJ, Bridges AJ. (2019) Replicating outcomes of Survivors Healing from Abuse: Recovery through Exposure (SHARE): A brief exposure-based group treatment for incarcerated survivors of sexual violence. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy |
Karlsson ME, Zielinski MJ. (2018) Sexual Victimization and Mental Illness Prevalence Rates Among Incarcerated Women: A Literature Review. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. 1524838018767933 |
Bridges AJ, Karlsson M, Lindly E. (2015) The effect of brief, passive psychoeducation on knowledge and ratings of intimate partner violence in the United States and Argentina. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 30: 272-94 |