Jacqueline R. Cummine, Ph.D.

2009 Psychology University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 
Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology
"Jacqueline Cummine"
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Ron Borowsky grad student 2009 University of Saskatchewan
 (A Behavioural and Neurobiological Investigation of Basic Reading Processes.)


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Praveen Prem research assistant 2023-2025 University of Alberta
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Nisbet K, Kostiw A, Huynh TKT, et al. (2024) A volumetric asymmetry study of gray matter in individuals with and without dyslexia. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 102: e25305
Cheema K, Fleming C, Craig J, et al. (2023) Reading and spelling profiles of adult poor readers: Phonological, orthographic and morphological considerations. Dyslexia (Chichester, England)
Westover L, Ostevik A, Aalto D, et al. (2020) Evaluation of word recognition and word recall with bone conduction devices: do directional microphones free up cognitive resources? International Journal of Audiology. 59: 367-373
Cullum A, Hodgetts WE, Milburn TF, et al. (2019) Cerebellar Activation During Reading Tasks: Exploring the Dichotomy Between Motor vs. Language Functions in Adults of Varying Reading Proficiency. The Cerebellum. 18: 688-704
Cummine J, Boliek CA, McKibben T, et al. (2019) Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) selectively modulates semantic information during reading. Brain and Language. 188: 11-17
Hodgetts WE, Aalto D, Ostevik A, et al. (2019) Changing Hearing Performance and Sound Preference With Words and Expectations: Meaning Responses in Audiology. Ear and Hearing. 40: 615-620
Craig J, Ostevik AV, Westover L, et al. (2019) To Go or Not to Go: Exploring brain activation during response inhibition reading tasks The Spectrum
Chouinard B, Volden J, Hollinger J, et al. (2019) Spoken metaphor comprehension: Evaluation using the metaphor interference effect Discourse Processes. 56: 270-287
Cheema K, Cummine J, Study G. (2018) The Relationship between White Matter and Reading Acquisition, Refinement and Maintenance. Developmental Neuroscience. 40: 209-222
Cummine J, Aalto D, Ostevik A, et al. (2018) To Name or Not to Name: That is the Question": The Role of Response Inhibition in Reading. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 47: 999-1014
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