Victor K. Groza

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Heights, OH, United States 
Social Work, Clinical Psychology
"Victor Groza"
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Briar-Lawson K, Leake R, Dickinson N, et al. (2016) Investing in the Child Welfare Workforce Research On Social Work Practice. 26: 484-488
Groza V, Muntean A. (2016) A Description of Attachment in Adoptive Parents and Adoptees in Romania During Early Adolescence Tradition. 33: 163-174
Groza V, Bunkers KM. (2014) Adoption Policy And Evidence-Based Domestic Adoption Practice: A Comparison Of Romania, Ukraine, India, Guatemala, And Ethiopia Tradition. 35: 160-171
Riley-Behringer M, Groza V, Tieman W, et al. (2014) Race and bicultural socialization in the Netherlands, Norway, and the United States of America in the adoptions of children from India. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 20: 231-243
Groza V, Bunkers KM. (2014) The United States as a Sending Country for Intercountry Adoption: Birth Parents' Rights Versus the 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Adoption Quarterly. 17: 44-64
Brown S, Groza V. (2013) A comparison of adoptive parents' perceptions of their child's behavior among Indian children adopted to Norway, the United States, and within country: implications for adoption policy. Child Welfare. 92: 119-43
Merz EC, McCall RB, Groza V. (2013) Parent-reported executive functioning in postinstitutionalized children: a follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 42: 726-33
Groza V, Muntean A, Ungureanu R. (2012) The Adoptive Family Within the Romanian Cultural Context: An Exploratory Study Adoption Quarterly. 15: 1-17
Engle PL, Groza VK, Groark CJ, et al. (2011) VIII. The situation for children without parental care and strategies for policy change Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development. 76: 190-222
Groza VK, Bunkers KM, Gamer GN. (2011) VII. Ideal components and current characteristics of alternative care options for children outside of parental care in low-resource countries Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development. 76: 163-189
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