Rami Yaka, PhD

Pharmacology Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
"Rami Yaka"
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Khayat A, Yaka R. (2024) Activation of nucleus accumbens projections to the ventral tegmental area alters molecular signaling and neurotransmission in the reward system. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 17: 1271654
Beiser T, Lisniansky E, Weitz M, et al. (2022) A functional eEF2K-eEF2 pathway in the NAc is critical for the expression of cocaine-induced psychomotor sensitisation and conditioned place preference. Translational Psychiatry. 12: 460
Shahen-Zoabi S, Smoum R, Beiser T, et al. (2022) N-Oleoyl Glycine and Its Derivatives Attenuate the Acquisition and Expression of Cocaine-Induced Behaviors. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Weitz M, Khayat A, Yaka R. (2021) GABAergic projections to the ventral tegmental area govern cocaine-conditioned reward. Addiction Biology. e13026
Thornton C, Grad E, Yaka R. (2021) The role of mitochondria in cocaine addiction. The Biochemical Journal. 478: 749-764
Bingor A, Azriel M, Amiad L, et al. (2021) Potentiated Response of ERK/MAPK Signaling is Associated with Prolonged Withdrawal from Cocaine Behavioral Sensitization. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn
Bingor A, Haham T, Thornton C, et al. (2020) Zeta Inhibitory Peptide attenuates learning and memory by inducing NO-mediated downregulation of AMPA receptors. Nature Communications. 11: 3688
Michaeli A, Matzner H, Poltyrev T, et al. (2012) Modifications of the input currents on VTA dopamine neurons following acute versus chronic cocaine exposure. Neuropharmacology. 62: 1834-40
Michaeli A, Yaka R. (2011) Dopamine-related drugs act presynaptically to potentiate GABA(A) receptor currents in VTA dopamine neurons. Neuropharmacology. 61: 234-44
Gibb SL, Jeanblanc J, Barak S, et al. (2011) Lyn kinase regulates mesolimbic dopamine release: implication for alcohol reward. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 2180-7
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