Ross J. Loomis

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Social Psychology, Teacher Training Education
"Ross Loomis"
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Rainbolt GN, Benfield JA, Loomis RJ. (2012) Visitor self-report behavior mapping as a tool for recording exhibition circulation Visitor Studies. 15: 203-216
Benfield JA, Jakubowski RD, Szlemko WJ, et al. (2008) An “Honest Visionary” and “Dishonest Scallywag”: Blending Fact, Opinion, and Interest into a Front-End Evaluation Visitor Studies. 11: 55-72
Mace BL, Bell PA, Loomis RJ. (2004) Visibility and natural quiet in national parks and wilderness areas: Psychological considerations Environment and Behavior. 36: 5-31
Elias SM, Loomis RJ. (2004) The effect of instructor gender and race/ethnicity on gaining compliance in the classroom Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 34: 937-958
Elias SM, Loomis RJ. (2002) Utilizing need for cognition and perceived self-efficacy to predict academic performance Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 32: 1687-1702
Elias SM, Loomis RJ. (2000) Using an academic self-efficacy scale to address University major persistence Journal of College Student Development. 41: 450-454
Loomis R, Fusco M, Edwards R. (1988) Chapter 15: The Visitor Survey: Front-End Evaluation or Basic Research? Visitor Studies. 1: 144-148
Loomis RJ. (1988) Chapter 1: The countenance of visitor studies in the 1980's Visitor Studies. 1: 12-24
Cooksey RW, Dickinson TL, Loomis RJ. (1982) Preferences for recreational environments: Theoretical considerations and a comparison of models Leisure Sciences. 5: 19-34
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