Timothy D. Oleskiw

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Shape perception, V4, Neurodynamics
"Timothy Oleskiw"
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Wyeth Bair grad student University of Washington
Anitha Pasupathy grad student University of Washington
James Elder grad student 2008-2010 York University
 (M.Sc. Computer Science)
J Anthony Movshon post-doc 2017- NYU
Eero P. Simoncelli post-doc 2017- NYU
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Oleskiw TD, Lieber JD, Simoncelli EP, et al. (2024) Foundations of visual form selectivity for neurons in macaque V1 and V2. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Oleskiw TD, Simoncelli EP. (2019) A canonical computational model of cortical area V2 Journal of Vision. 19: 14b
Elder JH, Oleskiw TD, Fruend I. (2018) The role of global cues in the perceptual grouping of natural shapes. Journal of Vision. 18: 14
Oleskiw TD, Nowack A, Pasupathy A. (2018) Joint coding of shape and blur in area V4. Nature Communications. 9: 466
Oleskiw TD, Pasupathy A, Bair W. (2014) Spectral receptive fields do not explain tuning for boundary curvature in V4. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112: 2114-22
Elder JH, Oleskiw TD, Yakubovich A, et al. (2013) On growth and formlets: Sparse multi-scale coding of planar shape Image and Vision Computing. 31: 1-13
Elder JH, Oleskiw TD, Graf EW, et al. (2010) Contour Grouping and Natural Shapes: Beyond Local Cues Journal of Vision. 10: 1171-1171
Oleskiw TD, Elder JH, Peyré G. (2010) On growth and formlets: Sparse multi-scale coding of planar shape Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 459-466
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