David L. Gilden, Ph.D

Psychology University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Visual perception, auditory perception
"David Gilden"
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Tatjana Feinstein grad student 2006 UT Austin
Llewyn E. Paine grad student 2010 UT Austin


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Mark Schmuckler collaborator 1987-1989 UT Austin
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Marusich LR, Gilden DL. (2014) Assessing temporal integration spans in ADHD through apparent motion. Neuropsychology. 28: 585-93
Paine LE, Gilden DL. (2013) A class of temporal boundaries derived by quantifying the sense of separation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 39: 1581-97
Gilden DL, Thornton TL, Marusich LR. (2010) The serial process in visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 36: 533-42
Gilden DL, Hancock H. (2007) Response variability in attention-deficit disorders. Psychological Science. 18: 796-802
Thornton TL, Gilden DL. (2007) Parallel and serial processes in visual search. Psychological Review. 114: 71-103
Thornton TL, Gilden DL. (2005) Provenance of correlations in psychological data. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 12: 409-41
Thornton T, Gilden DL. (2001) Attentional limitations in the sensing of motion direction. Cognitive Psychology. 43: 23-52
Gilden DL. (2001) Cognitive emissions of 1/f noise. Psychological Review. 108: 33-56
Price CM, Gilden DL. (2000) Representations of motion and direction. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 26: 18-30
Gilden DL. (1997) Fluctuations in the time required for elementary decisions Psychological Science. 8: 296-301
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