Michael R. Bashshur, Ph.D.

2006 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Industrial Psychology
"Michael Bashshur"
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Charles "Chuck" L. Hulin grad student 2006 UIUC
 (Modeling individual and environmental influences on performance determinants: The search for linear, quadratic, and multiplicative effects.)
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Oc B, Daniels MA, Diefendorff JM, et al. (2020) Humility breeds authenticity: How authentic leader humility shapes follower vulnerability and felt authenticity Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 158: 112-125
Oc B, Bashshur MR, Moore C. (2019) Head above the parapet: How minority subordinates influence group outcomes and the consequences they face for doing so. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Oc B, Moore C, Bashshur MR. (2018) When the tables are turned: The effects of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election on in-group favoritism and out-group hostility. Plos One. 13: e0197848
Barclay LJ, Bashshur MR, Fortin M. (2017) Motivated Cognition and Fairness: Insights, Integration, and Creating a Path Forward. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Oc B, Bashshur MR, Moore C. (2015) Speaking truth to power: the effect of candid feedback on how individuals with power allocate resources. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 450-63
Bashshur MR, Oc B. (2015) When Voice Matters: A Multilevel Review of the Impact of Voice in Organizations Journal of Management. 41: 1530-1554
Oc B, Bashshur MR, Daniels MA, et al. (2015) Leader humility in Singapore Leadership Quarterly. 26: 68-80
Cornelissen G, Bashshur MR, Rode J, et al. (2013) Rules or consequences? The role of ethical mind-sets in moral dynamics. Psychological Science. 24: 482-8
Oc B, Bashshur MR. (2013) Followership, leadership and social influence Leadership Quarterly. 24: 919-934
Bashshur MR, Hernández A, González-Romá V. (2011) When managers and their teams disagree: a longitudinal look at the consequences of differences in perceptions of organizational support. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 96: 558-73
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