Nilhan Gunhanlar

Psychiatry Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands 
"Nilhan Gunhanlar"
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García-León JA, Kumar M, Boon R, et al. (2018) SOX10 Single Transcription Factor-Based Fast and Efficient Generation of Oligodendrocytes from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports
de Vrij FM, Bouwkamp CG, Gunhanlar N, et al. (2018) Candidate CSPG4 mutations and induced pluripotent stem cell modeling implicate oligodendrocyte progenitor cell dysfunction in familial schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry
Gunhanlar N, Shpak G, van der Kroeg M, et al. (2017) A simplified protocol for differentiation of electrophysiologically mature neuronal networks from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Molecular Psychiatry
de Esch CE, Ghazvini M, Loos F, et al. (2014) Epigenetic characterization of the FMR1 promoter in induced pluripotent stem cells from human fibroblasts carrying an unmethylated full mutation. Stem Cell Reports. 3: 548-55
Minkovsky A, Barakat TS, Sellami N, et al. (2013) The pluripotency factor-bound intron 1 of Xist is dispensable for X chromosome inactivation and reactivation in vitro and in vivo. Cell Reports. 3: 905-18
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