Henry P. Sims

University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Health Care Management
"Henry Sims"
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Lorinkova NM, Pearsall MJ, Sims HP. (2013) Examining the differential longitudinal performance of directive versus empowering leadership in teams Academy of Management Journal. 56: 573-596
Perry ML, Pearce CL, Sims HP. (2013) Empowered Selling Teams: How Shared Leadership Can Contribute to Selling Team Outcomes Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 19: 35-51
Manz CC, Pearce CL, Mott JW, et al. (2013) Don't take the lead...share the lead. Surprising leadership lessons from big time college sports Organizational Dynamics. 42: 54-60
PEARCE CL, MANZ CC, SIMS HP. (2009) Where Do We Go From Here?:. Is Shared Leadership the Key to Team Success? Organizational Dynamics. 38: 234-238
Sims HP, Faraj S, Yun S. (2009) When should a leader be directive or empowering? How to develop your own situational theory of leadership Business Horizons. 52: 149-158
Tekleab AG, Sims HP, Yun S, et al. (2008) Are we on the same page?: Effects of self-awareness of empowering and transformational leadership Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 14: 185-201
Yun S, Cox J, Sims HP. (2006) The forgotten follower: A contingency model of leadership and follower self-leadership Journal of Managerial Psychology. 21: 374-388
Pearce CL, Sims HP, Cox JF, et al. (2003) Transactors, transformers and beyond: A multi-method development of a theoretical typology of leadership Journal of Management Development. 22: 273-307
Liu W, Lepak DP, Takeuchi R, et al. (2003) Matching leadership styles with employment modes: Strategic human resource management perspective Human Resource Management Review. 13: 127-152
Knight D, Pearce CL, Smith KG, et al. (1999) Top management team diversity, group process, and strategic consensus Strategic Management Journal. 20: 445-465
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