Adam Barsky, Ph.D.

2004 Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Adam Barsky"
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Arthur P. Brief grad student 2004 Tulane
 (The ethical cost of assigned performance goals.)
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Warren C, Barsky A, McGraw AP. (2020) What Makes Things Funny? An Integrative Review of the Antecedents of Laughter and Amusement. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 1088868320961909
Warren C, Barsky A, Mcgraw AP. (2018) Humor, Comedy, and Consumer Behavior Journal of Consumer Research. 45: 529-552
Ren R, Simmons AL, Barsky A, et al. (2018) It’s not my job: Compensatory effects of procedural justice and goal setting on proactive preventive behavior Journal of Management & Organization. 1-19
Barsky A, Kaplan SA, Beal DJ. (2011) Just feelings? the role of affect in the formation of organizational fairness judgments Journal of Management. 37: 248-279
Barsky A. (2011) Investigating the Effects of Moral Disengagement and Participation on Unethical Work Behavior Journal of Business Ethics. 104: 59-75
Barsky A. (2008) Understanding the ethical cost of organizational goal-setting: A review and theory development Journal of Business Ethics. 81: 63-81
Barsky A, Kaplan SA. (2007) If you feel bad, it's unfair: a quantitative synthesis of affect and organizational justice perceptions. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 92: 286-95
Barsky A, Thoresen CJ, Warren CR, et al. (2004) Modeling negative affectivity and job stress: A contingency-based approach Journal of Organizational Behavior. 25: 915-936
Brief AP, Barsky A. (2000) Establishing a climate for diversity: The inhibition of prejudiced reactions in the workplace Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. 19: 91-129
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