Mary E. Rudisill
Affiliations: | School of Kinesiology | Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States |
Human Development, Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Mary Rudisill"Mean distance: 10686.6
Sign in to add traineeNadia C. Valentini | grad student | 1995-1999 | Auburn University |
Carola F. Adalbjornsson | grad student | 2001 | Auburn University |
Vera E. Martin | grad student | 2001 | Auburn University |
David F. Stodden | grad student | 2002 | Auburn University |
Candice H. Howard | grad student | 2003 | Auburn University |
Sarah J. Wall | grad student | 2005 | Auburn University |
Paul M. St. Onge | grad student | 2007 | Auburn University |
Loraine E. Parish | grad student | 2008 | Auburn University |
Casey M. Breslin | grad student | 2009 | Auburn University |
Maria d. Morera Castro | grad student | 2011 | Auburn University |
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Johnson JL, Wadsworth DD, Rudisill ME, et al. (2022) Does Skill Performance Influence Young Children's Perceived Physical Competence? Perceptual and Motor Skills. 315125221116756 |
Wadsworth DD, Johnson JL, Carroll AV, et al. (2020) Intervention Strategies to Elicit MVPA in Preschoolers during Outdoor Play. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 |
Johnson JL, Rudisill ME, Hastie P, et al. (2019) Changes in Fundamental Motor-Skill Performance Following a Nine-Month Mastery Motivational Climate Intervention. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 1-10 |
Brian A, Pennell A, Taunton S, et al. (2019) Correction to: Motor Competence Levels and Developmental Delay in Early Childhood: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in the USA. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) |
Brian A, Pennell A, Taunton S, et al. (2019) Motor Competence Levels and Developmental Delay in Early Childhood: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in the USA. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) |
Hastie PA, Rudisill ME, Boyd K, et al. (2019) Examining the Pathway to Motor Skill Competence in a Mastery Motivational Climate: An Appreciative Inquiry. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 1-11 |
Buchanan AM, Miedema BJ, Rudisill ME, et al. (2019) “The Stomp and Catch Was Too Easy!” Children’s and Teachers’ Perceptions of Inclusive High and Low Autonomy Motor Skills Instruction The Physical Educator. 76: 676-700 |
Johnson JL, Rudisill ME, Hastie PA, et al. (2019) The Influence of Guided Practice on Overhand Throwing Competence in Preschool Children in a Mastery Motivational Climate Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 7: 64-83 |
Valentini NC, Rudisill ME, Bandeira PFR, et al. (2018) The development of a short form of the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 in Brazilian children: Validity and reliability. Child: Care, Health and Development |
Johnson JL, Miedema B, Converse B, et al. (2018) Influence of High and Low Autonomy-Supportive Climates on Physical Activity in Children with and without Developmental Disability Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 30: 427-437 |