David F. Stodden, Ph.D.

2002 Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
Physical Education
"David Stodden"
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Mary E. Rudisill grad student 2002 Auburn University
 (Developmental aspects of the overarm throw: Comparison of instructional interventions on throwing performance characteristics.)
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Palmer KK, McKheen A, Palmer SA, et al. (2024) Using 2 Versions of the Test of Gross Motor Development to Classify and Screen Young Children's Motor Skills: A Comparison Study. Pediatric Exercise Science. 1-7
Garbeloto F, Maia J, Barreira TV, et al. (2024) Is there an association between proficiency in fundamental movement skills and mderate-to-vigorous physical activity in childhood on weekdays and weekends? The REACT project. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. e24085
Maia J, Santos C, Pereira S, et al. (2024) A multivariate multilevel approach to unravel the associations between individual and school factors on children's motor performance in the REACT project. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. e24080
Moon J, Webster CA, Stodden DF, et al. (2024) Systematic review and meta-analysis of physical activity interventions to increase elementary children's motor competence: a comprehensive school physical activity program perspective. Bmc Public Health. 24: 826
Palmer KK, Pennell A, Terlizzi B, et al. (2023) Performance Metrics From Product-Oriented Measures of Fundamental Motor Skills-A Comparison and Developmental Perspective. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 11: 401-423
Hedeker D, Pereira S, Garbeloto F, et al. (2023) Statistical analysis of the longitudinal fundamental movement skills data in the REACT project using the multilevel ordinal logistic model. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. e24015
Garbeloto F, Pereira S, Tani G, et al. (2023) Validity and reliability of Meu Educativo®: A new tool to assess fundamental movement skills in school-aged children. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. e24011
Pereira S, Katzmarzyk PT, Hedeker D, et al. (2023) Background, rationale, and methodological overview of the REACT project-return-to-action on growth, motor development, and health after the COVID-19 pandemic in primary school children. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council
Kolunsarka I, Gråstèn A, Stodden D, et al. (2023) Impact of Motor Competence Profiles on Adolescents' Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness across Four Years. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Cade Abrams T, Terlizzi BM, De Meester A, et al. (2022) Potential Relevance of a Motor Skill "Proficiency Barrier" on Health-Related Fitness in Youth. European Journal of Sport Science. 1-25
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