Isabel Gauthier

Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
Visual system
"Isabel Gauthier"
Mean distance: 13.3 (cluster 23)


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Susan L. Benear research assistant 2016-2017 Vanderbilt
Jonathan Folstein grad student Vanderbilt
Mackenzie A. Sunday grad student
Ana E. Van Gulick grad student 2009- Vanderbilt
Kaitlin F. Ryan grad student 2012- Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
Jason Chow grad student 2018- Vanderbilt
Melina O. Mueller grad student 2024- Vanderbilt
Kim Michelle Curby grad student 2006 Vanderbilt
Alan C. Wong grad student 2007 Vanderbilt
Olivia S. Cheung grad student 2010 Vanderbilt
Jennifer J. Richler grad student 2010 Vanderbilt
Yetta Kwailing Wong grad student 2010 Vanderbilt
Michael L. Mack grad student 2011 Vanderbilt
Ting-Yun Chang grad student 2016-2023 Vanderbilt
Oakyoon Cha post-doc
David Ross post-doc Vanderbilt
Craig A. Sanders post-doc
Karin Harman James post-doc 2001-2003 Indiana University Bloomington
Thomas W. James post-doc 2001-2004 Vanderbilt
BETA: Related publications


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Chang TY, Cha O, Gauthier I. (2024) A general ability for judging simple and complex ensembles. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 153: 1517-1536
Smithson CJR, Chow JK, Chang TY, et al. (2024) Measuring object recognition ability: Reliability, validity, and the aggregate z-score approach. Behavior Research Methods
Chow JK, Palmeri TJ, Gauthier I. (2024) Distinct but related abilities for visual and haptic object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Chang TY, Cha O, McGugin R, et al. (2023) How general is ensemble perception? Psychological Research
Chow JK, Palmeri TJ, Pluck G, et al. (2023) Evidence for an amodal domain-general object recognition ability. Cognition. 238: 105542
Ramadass K, Yu X, Cai LY, et al. (2023) Deep whole brain segmentation of 7T structural MRI. Proceedings of Spie--the International Society For Optical Engineering. 12464
Kacin M, Cha O, Gauthier I. (2022) The Relation between Ensemble Coding of Length and Orientation Does Not Depend on Spatial Attention. Vision (Basel, Switzerland). 7
McGugin RW, Sunday MA, Gauthier I. (2022) The neural correlates of domain-general visual ability. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Chow JK, Palmeri TJ, Gauthier I. (2022) Visual object recognition ability is not related to experience with visual arts. Journal of Vision. 22: 1
Sunday MA, Tomarken A, Cho SJ, et al. (2021) Novel and familiar object recognition rely on the same ability. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
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