Reese T. Jones, M.D.
Affiliations: | Psychiatry | University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
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Ehrich E, Turncliff R, Du Y, et al. (2015) Evaluation of opioid modulation in major depressive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 40: 1448-55 |
Herbst ED, Harris DS, Everhart ET, et al. (2011) Cocaethylene formation following ethanol and cocaine administration by different routes. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 19: 95-104 |
Harris DS, Everhart T, Jacob P, et al. (2009) A phase 1 trial of pharmacologic interactions between transdermal selegiline and a 4-hour cocaine infusion. Bmc Clinical Pharmacology. 9: 13 |
Mendelson JE, McGlothlin D, Harris DS, et al. (2008) The clinical pharmacology of intranasal l-methamphetamine. Bmc Clinical Pharmacology. 8: 4 |
Mendelson J, Uemura N, Harris D, et al. (2006) Human pharmacology of the methamphetamine stereoisomers. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 80: 403-20 |
Harris DS, Reus VI, Wolkowitz O, et al. (2006) Catecholamine response to methamphetamine is related to glucocorticoid levels but not to pleasurable subjective response. Pharmacopsychiatry. 39: 100-8 |
Mendelson J, Jones RT, Fernandez E, et al. (2006) PII-36Single dose methamphetamine reserpine interactions Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 79: 45 |
Uemura N, Harris D, Nath RP, et al. (2005) Pharmacokinetics of intravenous d‐ and l‐methamphetamine in healthy volunteers Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 77 |
Uemura N, Nath RP, Harkey MR, et al. (2004) Cocaine levels in sweat collection patches vary by location of patch placement and decline over time. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 28: 253-9 |
Harris DS, Mendelson JE, Lin ET, et al. (2004) Pharmacokinetics and subjective effects of sublingual buprenorphine, alone or in combination with naloxone: lack of dose proportionality. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 43: 329-40 |