Peter M. Waser, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Biology | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
Dispersal, Mammalian Social Behavior, Population EcologyGoogle:
"Peter Waser"Mean distance: 13.99 (cluster 10) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree
Sign in to add mentorPeter R. Marler | grad student | 1974 | Rockefeller |
Thomas T. Struhsaker | research scientist | Wildlife Conservation Society |
Sign in to add traineeSteve Austad | grad student | 1981 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
W. Thomas Jones | grad student | 1982 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Brian Keane | grad student | 1988 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Scott Creel | grad student | 1991 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Brendan P. Kelly | grad student | 1996 | Purdue |
Catherine Mossman | grad student | 1999 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
William Olupot | grad student | 1999 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Bradley J. Swanson | grad student | 2001 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Maureen E. McColgin | grad student | 2006 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Maureen E. McColgin | grad student | 2006 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Jennifer D. Cooper | grad student | 2009 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
Jennifer D. Cooper | grad student | 2009 | Purdue (Evolution Tree) |
James Malcolm | post-doc | 1980 | Purdue |
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Ribble DO, Rathbun L, Struhsaker TT, et al. (2020) In Memoriam: Galen Rathbun (1944–2019) Journal of Mammalogy. 101: e1-e3 |
Willoughby JR, Waser PM, Brüniche-Olsen A, et al. (2019) Inbreeding load and inbreeding depression estimated from lifetime reproductive success in a small, dispersal-limited population. Heredity |
Brown M, Waser PM. (2018) Group movements in response to competitors' calls indicate conflicts of interest between male and female grey-cheeked mangabeys. American Journal of Primatology. e22918 |
McColgin ME, Koprowski JL, Waser PM. (2017) White-nosed coatis in Arizona: tropical carnivores in a temperate environment Journal of Mammalogy. 99: 64-74 |
Wen Z, Pollock KH, Nichols JD, et al. (2014) Using imputation and mixture model approaches to integrate multi-state capture-recapture models with assignment information. Biometrics. 70: 323-34 |
Wen Z, Nichols JD, Pollock KH, et al. (2014) A robust design capture-recapture model with multiple age classes augmented with population assignment data Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 21: 41-59 |
Waser PM, Nichols KM, Hadfield JD. (2013) Fitness consequences of dispersal: is leaving home the best of a bad lot? Ecology. 94: 1287-95 |
Steinwald MC, Swanson BJ, Doyle JM, et al. (2013) Female mobility and the mating system of the banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) Journal of Mammalogy. 94: 1258-1265 |
Waser PM, Berning ML, Pfeifer A. (2012) Mechanisms of kin discrimination inferred from pedigrees and the spatial distribution of mates. Molecular Ecology. 21: 554-61 |
Sanderlin JS, Waser PM, Hines JE, et al. (2012) On valuing patches: estimating contributions to metapopulation growth with reverse-time capture-recapture modelling. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 279: 480-8 |