Takeshi Y. Hiyama, Ph.D.

Molecular Neurobiology National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan 
Homeostasis, Sodium channel
"Takeshi Hiyama"
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Hiyama TY. (2024) Brain sodium sensing for regulation of thirst, salt appetite, and blood pressure. Physiological Reports. 12: e15970
Matsuda T, Hiyama TY, Kobayashi K, et al. (2020) Distinct CCK-positive SFO neurons are involved in persistent or transient suppression of water intake. Nature Communications. 11: 5692
Sakuta H, Lin CH, Hiyama TY, et al. (2020) SLC9A4 in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis is a [Na] sensor for the control of water intake. Pflugers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology
Nomura K, Hiyama TY, Sakuta H, et al. (2019) [Na] Increases in Body Fluids Sensed by Central Na Induce Sympathetically Mediated Blood Pressure Elevations via H-Dependent Activation of ASIC1a. Neuron. 101: 60-75.e6
Nakamura-Utsunomiya A, Hiyama TY, Okada S, et al. (2017) Characteristic clinical features of adipsic hypernatremia patients with subfornical organ-targeting antibody. Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology : Case Reports and Clinical Investigations : Official Journal of the Japanese Society For Pediatric Endocrinology. 26: 197-205
Matsuda T, Hiyama TY, Niimura F, et al. (2017) Erratum: Distinct neural mechanisms for the control of thirst and salt appetite in the subfornical organ. Nature Neuroscience. 20: 896
Matsuda T, Hiyama TY, Niimura F, et al. (2016) Distinct neural mechanisms for the control of thirst and salt appetite in the subfornical organ. Nature Neuroscience
Hiyama TY, Noda M. (2016) Sodium sensing in the subfornical organ and body-fluid homeostasis. Neuroscience Research
Doura T, Kamiya M, Obata F, et al. (2016) Detection of LacZ-Positive Cells in Living Tissue with Single-Cell Resolution. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Hiyama TY, Utsunomiya AN, Matsumoto M, et al. (2016) Adipsic Hypernatremia without Hypothalamic Lesions Accompanied by Autoantibodies to Subfornical Organ. Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland)
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