Deidra J. Schleicher

University of Tulsa, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
"Deidra Schleicher"
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Schleicher DJ, Baumann HM, Sullivan DW, et al. (2019) Evaluating the effectiveness of performance management: A 30-year integrative conceptual review. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Schleicher DJ, Baumann HM, Sullivan DW, et al. (2018) Putting the System Into Performance Management Systems: A Review and Agenda for Performance Management Research: Journal of Management. 44: 2209-2245
Schleicher DJ, Smith TA, Casper WJ, et al. (2015) It's all in the attitude: The role of job attitude strength in job attitude-outcome relationships. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 1259-74
Van Iddekinge CH, Morgeson FP, Schleicher DJ, et al. (2011) Can I retake it? Exploring subgroup differences and criterion-related validity in promotion retesting. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 96: 941-55
Venkataramani V, Green SG, Schleicher DJ. (2010) Well-connected leaders: the impact of leaders' social network ties on LMX and members' work attitudes. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95: 1071-84
Schleicher DJ, Van Iddekinge CH, Morgeson FP, et al. (2010) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again: understanding race, age, and gender differences in retesting score improvement. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95: 603-17
Schleicher DJ, Bull RA, Green SG. (2009) Rater reactions to forced distribution rating systems Journal of Management. 35: 899-927
Ascalon ME, Schleicher DJ, Born MP. (2008) Cross-Cultural Social Intelligence: An Assessment for Employees Working in Cross-National Contexts Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal. 15: 109-130
Day DV, Schleicher DJ. (2006) Self-monitoring at work: a motive-based perspective. Journal of Personality. 74: 685-713
Schleicher DJ, Venkataramani V, Morgeson FP, et al. (2006) So you didn't get the job . . . Now what do you think? Examining opportunity-to-perform fairness perceptions Personnel Psychology. 59: 559-590
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