Richard W. Backs

Wright State University, Fairborn, OH, United States 
 Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, United States 
Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Richard Backs"
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Lenneman JK, Backs RW. (2018) A psychophysiological and driving performance evaluation of focal and ambient visual processing demands in simulated driving Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 57: 84-96
da Silva SP, Backs RW. (2015) Cardiac Response During Auditory Selective Attention to Tones and Affective Sounds. Psychophysiology
Oliver ML, Nigg JT, Cassavaugh ND, et al. (2012) Behavioral and cardiovascular responses to frustration during simulated driving tasks in young adults with and without attention disorder symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders. 16: 478-90
Lenneman JK, Backs RW. (2009) Cardiac autonomic control during simulated driving with a concurrent verbal working memory task. Human Factors. 51: 404-18
da Silva SP, Hulce VD, Backs RW. (2009) Effects of obstructive sleep apnea on autonomic cardiac control during sleep. Sleep & Breathing = Schlaf & Atmung. 13: 147-56
Wetzel JM, Quigley KS, Morell J, et al. (2006) Cardiovascular Measures of Attention to Illusory and Nonillusory Visual Stimuli Journal of Psychophysiology. 20: 276-285
Backs RW, da Silva SP, Han K. (2005) A comparison of younger and older adults' self-assessment manikin ratings of affective pictures. Experimental Aging Research. 31: 421-40
Backs RW, Walrath LC. (2005) Eye movement and pupillary response indices of mental workload during visual search of symbolic displays. Applied Ergonomics. 23: 243-54
Backs RW, Rohdy J, Barnard J. (2005) Cardiac Control During Dual-Task Performance Of Visual Or Auditory Monitoring With Visual-Manual Tracking Psychologia. 48: 66-83
Wetzel JM, Sheffert SM, Backs RW. (2004) Driver Trust, Annoyance, and Acceptance of an Automated Calendar System Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 48: 2335-2339
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