Brandon Schwechter, Ph.D.

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 
"Brandon Schwechter"
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Um K, Niu S, Duman JG, et al. (2014) Dynamic control of excitatory synapse development by a Rac1 GEF/GAP regulatory complex. Developmental Cell. 29: 701-15
Schwechter B, Tolias KF. (2013) Cytoskeletal mechanisms for synaptic potentiation. Communicative & Integrative Biology. 6: e27343
Schwechter B, Rosenmund C, Tolias KF. (2013) RasGRF2 Rac-GEF activity couples NMDA receptor calcium flux to enhanced synaptic transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 14462-7
Duman JG, Tzeng CP, Tu YK, et al. (2013) The adhesion-GPCR BAI1 regulates synaptogenesis by controlling the recruitment of the Par3/Tiam1 polarity complex to synaptic sites. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 6964-78
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