Baylor College of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Steve Hensley Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
Yi Han Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
Ye Long Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
Tarek AbuelemBasal ganglia
Lavanya Acharyaspatial learning and memory, multisensory integration Neuroscience20162018 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
J. Paige AdamsNeurobiology J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Adekunle Michael AdesinaMolecular Neuro-oncology Neuromuscular disease - histologic diagnosis and applications of molecular methods in diagnosis
Hita AdwanikarTraumatic brain injury, Pain processing19992004 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
Tyson Aflalo Michael Friedlander (grad student)
Kaashif Ahmad Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Michael Albright Michael C. Crair (grad student), Hui-Chen Lu (post-doc)
Yousuf O. AliNeurodegenerative Disease, Synapse Maintenance
Harold L. Altshuler
Anne E. AndersonEpilepsy
Jonathan Andrews Molecular and Human Genetics Michael Wangler (post-doc)
Dora AngelakiAnatomy and Neurobiology
Kimon Angelides
Marci Antion20022007 Eric Klann (grad student)
Marife Arancillosynaptic transmission Christian Rosenmund (grad student), Roy V. Sillitoe (post-doc)
Benjamin R. ArenkielNeurobiology, Genetics, Development
Dawna L. ArmstrongPediatric neuropathologist with primary interest in the pathology of Rett Syndrome
Ryan T. AshCortical circuits, autism20102013 Stelios M. Smirnakis (grad student)
Joanna S. T. Asprerinner ear development Soo-Kyung Lee (grad student), Andy Groves (post-doc)
John A. Assadattention, motivation John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Louis-Pierre Asselin Jarry
Coleen M. Atkins J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Eric Avila Neuroscience Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Dillon Patrick Baetelearning and memory2012 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (grad student)
Lakshya BajajGenetics, Cell and molecular biology, Epigenetics, Biochemistry Molecular and Human Genetics Molecular and human Genetics20172018 Marco Sardiello (grad student), Rui Chen (collaborator)
Aleksandar BajichPSC, autism
Steven Baker Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Gregory N. Bancroft
Jessica Banko20012005 Eric Klann (grad student)
Vivek Bansal
Tallie Z. Baram19821985 Marvin A. Fishman (post-doc)
Lewis M. Barker
Martin L. Baschdevelopment2005 Andy Groves (post-doc)
Jayeeta BasuSynaptic Transmission, Plasticity, Munc13, HCN20022007 Christian Rosenmund (grad student)
Jonathan C. Bean Pediatrics2021 Yong Xu (research scientist)
Arthur L. BeaudetGenomic imprinting, epigenetics, and angelman syndrome
Robert B. Beckstead19952001 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Hugo J. Bellenneural development, synaptic vesicle trafficking
Shay Ben-Shacher Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Christophe BernardEpilepsy, cellular neurphysiology Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Meghana BhattNeuroeconomics2007 P Read Montague (post-doc)
Meena B. BhattacharjeePediatric Neuropathology
Gautam Bhave19992002 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
Shari G. Birnbaum J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Lutz Birnbaumer
Francisco A. BlancoSynaptic Plasticity, Dendritic Spines, Rho GTPase Signaling, Actin Cytoskeleton Neuroscience2018 Kimberley Tolias (grad student)
William Bosking John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
C. Elizabeth Boudreau Department of Neuroscience19962001 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Aaron BowmanHuntington's Disease20032006 Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Coleen Brady Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Darrin H. BragerRegulation of neuronal excitability20032005 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Cheryl BrandenburgCerebellum Neuroscience Roy V. Sillitoe (post-doc)
DJ Brasier20002002 Robert W. Gereau (research assistant)
Alex J. BrewerAddiction Neuroscience Richard De La Garza, II (grad student)
William (Bill) R. Brinkleymitotic apparatus
Ron S. BroideSensory and Motor Systems, botulinum toxin19972001 James Patrick (post-doc), John A. Dani (collaborator), Mariella De Biasi (collaborator)
Gregory Brown Psychiatry Richard De La Garza, II (research assistant)
Jasmine O. Brown Molecular and Human Genetics2023 Shinya Yamamoto (research assistant)
Cindy A. Buckmaster Center for Comparative Medicine Elisabeth A. Murray (post-doc)
Shelly Alexandra BuffingtonNeurochemistry: Axon initial segment, Node of Ranvier2012 Matthew N. Rasband (grad student), Mauro Costa-Mattioli (post-doc)
Daniel L. Burgess Jeffrey L. Noebels (post-doc)
Cathryn R. Cadwellvisual system, circuit assembly, single cell transcriptomics Neuroscience20092015 Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Mingbo CaiSpontaneous thoughts, Brain imaging, Decision making, Learning, Time Perception, Machine learning Neuroscience Neuroscience20102015 Wei Ji Ma (grad student), David Eagleman (grad student)
Zhao-Lin Cai Neuroscience2014 Mingshan Xue (post-doc)
Fernando Camargo Cell Biology20012004 Margaret A. Goodell (grad student)
Peng CaoNeurobiology of circuits and synapses20052008 Gangyi Wu (post-doc)
Yarimar Carrasquillo20002005 Robert W. Gereau (grad student)
C. Thomas Caskeymedical genetics
Maria Chahrour20042009 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Keith Syson ChanPathology
Anand ChandrasekaranNeuroscience, Neuromorphic Engineering20012007 Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Kevin Tommy ChangEvolutionary Biology, Genetics, Neuroscience Molecular and Human Genetics20152020 Marco Sardiello (research assistant)
Hsiao-Tuan Chao Pediatrics20172019 Christian Rosenmund (grad student), Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student), John W. Swann (post-doc)
Eugene Chao Neuroscience20142019 Mingshan Xue (research assistant)
Richard Chapple20132018 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Wu-Lin Charngneural development Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Hera Chaudury
Lewis Longteng Chenbehavioral neurophysiology David L. Sparks (research scientist)
Xixi ChenIon channels, dendritic information processing20002004 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Chien-Ju Chenmuscle pain, Learning and Memory2013 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (grad student)
bing chenlearning and memory, place cell
Wu Chen Neuroscience2014 Mingshan Xue (post-doc)
Rui ChenGenetics of visual impairment, Single cell sequencing Molecular and human genetics Graeme Mardon (grad student)
Yvonne Y. Chen Brett L. Foster (post-doc)
Kuchuan ChenNeuroscience Developmental Biology Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Lei Chen20052010 George M. Weinstock (grad student)
Xirui Chensystem neuroscience Neuroscience2021 Javier F. Medina (grad student)
Dane M. ChetkovichIon Channel Trafficking19891992 J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Jeannie Chin
Pearl H. ChiuPsychiatric Neuroscience
Amit Kumar ChouhanDrug screening, Neurodegenerative disease modeling, Human stem cells, Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Nerve regeneration, Electrophysiology, Drosophila genetics Neurology20122014 Joshua M Shulman (research scientist)
Thomas Chow Ching Ching Lau (post-doc)
Budhaditya Chowdhurybehavioral neurogenetics Molecular and HUman Genetics Herman Dierick (post-doc)
Brian Ross ChristieSynaptic Plasticity, Neurogenesis, Learning and Memory19941996 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Jenna Cicardo
Alfred C. Coats
Ellen Cohen
Helen S. Cohen
Costa ColbertCellular Neurophysiology Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Ann L. CollinsHuman Genetics19992005 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Luis V. Colom Peter Saggau (post-doc)
Lydia Conlay
Tim ConnellymGluR LTD Paul E. Schulz (grad student)
Silvia Convento Neuroscience Jeffrey M. Yau (post-doc)
Erik P. CookNeurophysiology, visual perception2004 John HR Maunsell (post-doc), Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Brian Corbett Jeannie Chin (grad student)
Mauro Costa-Mattiolilearning and memory
Cameron S. CowanRetina20072014 Samuel M. Wu (grad student)
Christopher W. Cowan Cell and Molecular Biology19941999 Theodore G. Wensel (grad student)
Juan Crespo-Barreto Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Daniel Croft Psychiatry Richard De La Garza, II (research assistant)
Lexi E. Crommettmultisensory processing Neuroscience2014 Jeffrey M. Yau (grad student)
Christopher A Cronkite Biochemistry and Molecular BIology2017 Kimberley Tolias (grad student)
Jason E. CrowtherCognitive neuropsychology, psycholinguistics20092011 Harvey S. Levin (post-doc), Gerri Hanten (post-doc)
Xu Cui P Read Montague (grad student)
Holly Cukier Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Daniel Curry David M. Frim (grad student)
Albert D'Errico
John A. DaniAddiction, Nicotinic Acetylcholine receptors Mariella De Biasi (collaborator), Dang Q. Dao (collaborator), Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Dang Q. DaoVisual Neuroscience, Regenerative Medicine, Retina, Cellular Electrophysiology20052013 Mariella De Biasi (grad student)
Mariella De BiasiAddiction, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Arthur M. Brown (post-doc)
Manuel de la Cruz GutierrezCognitive neuroscience, Autism2007 P Read Montague (post-doc)
Richard De La Garza, IIAddiction Neuroscience Christopher D. Verrico (collaborator), David A. Nielsen (collaborator)
Samantha L. Deal Program in Developmental Biology Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Cole Deisseroth
Harim Delgado-Seo Neuroscience Neuroscience Molecular and Human Genetics20222021 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (research assistant), Mingshan Xue (research assistant), Herman Dierick (collaborator)
Benjamin Deneen
George H. DenfieldVisual System Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Dominic M. Desideriobrain tumors, specifically pituitary adenomas
Richard B. DewellNeuroethology2009 Fabrizio Gabbiani (post-doc)
Onkar S. Dhande20052011 Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Rachayata DharmatGenetics of Visual disfunction, photoreceptor sensory ciliopathy, Single cell sequencing Molecular and human genetics Molecular and human genetics Verna and Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2014 Rui Chen (grad student), Graeme Mardon (collaborator), Theodore G. Wensel (collaborator)
Gonzalo Viana Di Priscolearning and memory2011 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (research scientist)
James J. DiCarloVisual Cortex John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Herman Dierick
Milan Radovan DimitrijevicRestorative neurology, clinical neurology, spinal cord injury
Xiaoyun DingGlial Development Neuroscience2021 Matthew N. Rasband (post-doc)
William B. DobynsPediatric Neurology19801983 Marvin A. Fishman (post-doc)
William M. Doyondrug addiction, dopamine system John A. Dani (post-doc)
Mario F. Dulayneuropsychology, DTI, fMRI, rehabilitation, acquired brain injury20062008 Harvey S. Levin (post-doc)
Joseph Duman Kimberley Tolias (post-doc)
David Eagleman19931998 P Read Montague (grad student), Richard De La Garza, II (collaborator)
Ruth Anne Eatocksensory neurobiology, auditory, vestibular
Alexander S. EckerPrimate visual system, Computational neuroscience2008 Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Joel D. EisenhoferTBD Richard De La Garza, II (grad student)
Florent Elefteriou Gerard Karsenty (post-doc)
Lise S. Eliot19911994 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
L. Caitlin ElmoreVisual Short Term Memory2012 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Joey D. English19921997 J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Henry F. EpsteinMuscle
Guido C. Faascalcium binding proteins, calcium kinetics, ion signalling Peter Saggau (post-doc)
Yuan FanNeuronal plasticity, LTP, dendritic excitability,excitotoxicity, stroke. 2005 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Reuben H. Fan Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Gloria L. FawcettComplex genetics, behavior20052008 Jeff Noebels (research assistant), James M. Cheverud (post-doc)
Amir FayyazuddinNeuroscience20002008 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Mengdie Feng2022 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
Jose A. Fernandez-LeonSystems and Computational Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Dora Angelaki (post-doc), Daoyun Ji (research scientist)
Vincent P. FerreraCognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Systems and Circuits John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Marvin A. FishmanChild Neurology
Olivia FitchTranscription in LTD Neuroscience Genetics Neuroscience20092015 Paul E. Schulz (grad student), J. David Sweatt (grad student), Juan Botas (research assistant), Michael Friedlander (grad student)
Adriano Flora Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
John Charles FlynnADD, psychopharmacology
Brett L. FosterCognitive neurophysiology, neuroimaging, neuromodulation
Haleh Fotowat20032010 Fabrizio Gabbiani (grad student)
Benjamin J. Frankfort Molecular and Human Genetics19992003 Graeme Mardon (grad student)
Desdemona FrickerCellular Neurphysiology, Systems Neuroscience20002002 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Michael Friedlander
John Fryer Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Chia-Hsuan (Annie) Fu Neuroscience2016 Jeannie Chin (grad student)
Sharyl Fyffe Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Fabrizio Gabbiani
Maxwell B GagnonVisual System, Computational Neuroscience, Multiomics Neuroscience2020 Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Neeraj J. Gandhioculomotor system19982002 David L. Sparks (post-doc)
Shilpa GandhiTime Perception, schizophrenia David Eagleman (grad student)
Isabella GarciaNeurodevelopment Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Jennifer Gatchel Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
John Thomas Gebert2020 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (grad student)
Geoffrey Ghose John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Nikos GiagtzoglouPD, AD
Shelley B. Gibson Department of Molecular and Human Genetics Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Solomon Gibson Neuroscience2018 Benjamin J. Frankfort (grad student)
Edward Glasscockion channels, epilepsy20052012 Jeffrey L. Noebels (post-doc)
Laurent GoffartOculomotor Neurophysiology, Saccade, Fixation, Eye-Head19961998 David L. Sparks (post-doc)
Felicia GoldsteinNeuropsychology19841986 Harvey S. Levin (grad student)
Geoffrey J. GoodhillComputational neuroscience, axon guidance, visual system development19941995 P Read Montague (post-doc)
J. Clay GoodmanCellular and molecular basis of neural injury and recovery in traumatic brain injury
Sidney M. Gospechild neurology, neurotoxicology, neurogenetics19831986 Marvin A. Fishman (post-doc)
Yueyang Eric GouOptogenetics and bio sensors Neuroscience20202024 Mingshan Xue (grad student)
Richard GrayModulation of neuronal excitability1988 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Charles Marshall GrayVisual System, Cortical Physiology19811986 James E. Skinner (grad student)
Michael Grider Harold David Shine (grad student)
Alecia K. GrossPhotoreceptors, GPCR trafficking20022006 Theodore G. Wensel (post-doc)
Robert Grossman
Andy Grovesear development, developmental neurobiology, cochlea
Thomas GudermannTRP channels19921994 Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc)
Roger GuilleminNeuroendocrinology
Qinxi Guo Hui Zheng (grad student)
Elizabeth Halfen Neuroscience Jeffrey M. Yau (grad student)
Richard Hallworthhearing, deafness, electrophysiology, cochlear implants Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Susan L. HamiltonBiochemistry and Biophysics, Cardiovascular Sciences, Cell and Developmental Biology, Human Disease
Jing Han Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Amy D. HannaExcitation-contraction coupling, Cardiac and skeletal muscle physiology, Mechanisms of disease in cardiac and skeletal muscle, Calcium signalling2014 Susan L. Hamilton (post-doc)
Gerri Hanten
Yusuke Hara2021 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
J. Michael Harnish Department of Molecular and Human Genetics2021 Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Ann H. Harvey P Read Montague (grad student)
John Hayes
Yanlin Hediabetes, obesity, depression, ion channel, PD20142019 Yong Xu (grad student)
Lingjie He2016 Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Sannya Hede
Shane A. HeineyCerebellum, motor learning, eyeblink
Jay A. Hennigcomputational neuroscience
Alexander Herman Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Antentor Othrell Hinton, Jr.Neuroendocrinology and Neurogenic Hypertension Pediatrics-Nutrition20112016 Yong Xu (grad student)
Tammy Szu-Yu Hosodium channels, axon initial segments, node of Ranvier, myelination Matthew N. Rasband (grad student)
Dax A. HoffmanDendritic signal processing19941999 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Tycho M. HooglandIn Vivo Imaging and Behavior; Cerebellum; Locomotion; Sensorimotor integration; Cerebello-Cebrocortical Loops; Optical methods; Miniscopes; Multi-photon microscopy; Optogenetics; Science Outreach Neuroscience Peter Saggau (grad student)
Brooke Horist Molecular and Human Genetics2022 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (grad student)
Tianyuan Hu20152021 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
Daoying Hu20032006 Eric Klann (grad student)
Wei-Hsiang HuangNeurodevelopmental Disorders Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Wei Huanglearning and memory2008 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (grad student)
Longwen Huang20102015 Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Lihua Huang
Patrick J. HuntNeuroscience, Genetics, Co-transmission, Feeding, Ophthalmology Molecular and Human Genetics Ophthalmology Ophthalmology20232023 Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student), Zheng Jiang (post-doc), Benjamin J. Frankfort (post-doc)
Karen M. Hurleyneurophysiology, vestibular system, ion channels19972006 Ruth Anne Eatock (post-doc)
Amy M. Hurwitzspinal cord development, stem cell differentiation
James B. Hutchinsvisual system, development19821985 Joe G. Hollyfield (grad student)
Eric Hyun Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Mels InanCortical Development20022009 Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Barbara Innocenti
Ravi IyengarCellular signaling systems Cel Biology Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc)
Vijay IyerOptical Imaging Peter Saggau (grad student)
Roy Jacoby Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
Paymaan Jafar-Nejad Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
David B. JaffeHippocampus LTP19871992 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Rohan JagirdarAlzheimer's disease
Joanna L. JankowskyAlzheimer's disease, learning and memory
Henry H JerngPotassium Channels Neuroscience20012005 Paul Pfaffinger (post-doc)
Cameron Jeterbiomarkers Neuroscience David Eagleman (grad student)
Smita JhaDevelopment of nervous system, ion channels, protein clusters Matthew N. Rasband (post-doc)
Daoyun JiLearning and memory, hippocampus, visual cortex1996 John A. Dani (grad student)
Yuwei Jiang Graeme Mardon (grad student)
Yajian Jiang20142020 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Zheng Jiang
Eun-Hye JoeNeuroscience, Glia biology
Jennifer Leigh Johnsonlearning and memory2012 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (grad student)
Peter W. JonesVisual system, Olfaction20032012 Fabrizio Gabbiani (grad student)
Nicolas Jossetmotor control in epilepsy Neurology2018 Jeffrey L. Noebels (post-doc)
Linyang Ju Department of Molecular and Human Genetics20162016 Weiwei Dang (research assistant)
Nick Justice Hui Zheng (research scientist)
Yuki Kageyama2022 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
Juliette Kahle Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Heet Naresh Kaku Neuroscience20192022 Mingshan Xue (research assistant)
Verena Kalhoff-Munoz Hui Zheng (grad student)
Yun Kyoung K. Kang20032009 Bert W. O'Malley (post-doc)
Artur Kanianeural development19911996 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Farzana Karim20002006 Robert W. Gereau (post-doc)
Caroline Keehn Ophthalmology2023 Benjamin J. Frankfort (research scientist)
Shaiyan Keshvari Neuroscience20102011 Wei Ji Ma (research assistant)
Tamor A Khan Neuroscience20182020 Paul Pfaffinger (research assistant)
Abdul Basit KhanNeurotransmitters; Cognitive Neuroscience; Neuro-Oncology
Michael P. KilgardAuditory system plasticity19911991 Ronald L. Davis (research assistant)
Cynthia Kim Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Daniel Kim
Olivia A Kim20152020 Javier F. Medina (grad student)
Jean J KimiPS cells, Neuroscience, Genome editing
Joo Hyun Kim2017 Mingshan Xue (post-doc)
Linda H. Kimcerebellum, descending locomotor control, dystonia, Parkinson disease, movement disorders Pathology2022 Roy V. Sillitoe (post-doc)
Richard Daniel KingGeriatric Neurology, Neuroimaging, Dementia19952000 P Read Montague (grad student)
Ulrich Kirk2008 P Read Montague (post-doc)
Kenneth T. KishidaSocial cognition, fMRI20022006 Eric Klann (grad student), Eric Klann (grad student), P Read Montague (post-doc)
Eric KlannHippocampal plasticity and memory19891994 J. David Sweatt (post-doc)
Tara L. KlassenIon Channels
Keith Kline
Tiemo Klisch Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Robin P. Kochel
Mikhail Kochukov Benjamin R. Arenkiel (post-doc)
Helmut KoesterCellular neurophysiology20032005 Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Emily J. KollerNeuroscience Neuroscience20202023 Joanna L. Jankowsky (grad student)
Sergey A. KornilovNeurodevelopmental disorders, complex trait genetics, human genomics, epigenetics, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, language, reading, intelligence, psychometrics, cognition
Thomas Richard KostenAddiction Neuroscience Richard De La Garza, II (collaborator)
Michael Krausefeeding, nucleus accumbens, neural circuits20042007 John A. Dani (post-doc)
Balaji KrishnanElectrophysiology, Neuropharmacology, Behavior, Addiction, Fear Conditioning20032005 Ronald L. Davis (post-doc)
Vaishnav Krishnan Neurology20112017 Matthew Peter Anderson (post-doc)
Antonina Kurtova20102015 Keith Syson Chan (grad student)
Stephen M. Kyranakis Neuroscience2021 Javier F. Medina (grad student)
Haluk Lacin20022004 Hugo J. Bellen (research assistant)
Kaushik Lakshminarasimhan Neuroscience Neuroscience20132018 Dora Angelaki (grad student), Xaq Pitkow (grad student)
Yung Carmen Lam Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Cristian Alberto Lasagna-Reeves Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Ching Ching Laupediatric gliomas, picornavirus SVV-001, medulloblastoma
Erica Lay20102012 Keith Syson Chan (research assistant)
Hallie M. Lazaro
Hyun Kyoung Lee Benjamin Deneen (post-doc)
Yu Cheng Lee20152019 Keith Syson Chan (post-doc)
Dongwon Lee2017 Mingshan Xue (post-doc)
Brendan Lee Chair of Genetics Gerard Karsenty (post-doc)
Joonyeol LeeVision Neuroscience20032008 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Yoontae Lee Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Soo-Kyung LeeDevelopment
David A. Leopold1997 Nikos K. Logothetis (grad student)
Vanesa Lerma Pediatrics-Neurology20202022 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (research assistant)
Harvey S. Levincognitive neuropsychology, traumatic brain injury, frontal lobe
Jian Lidecision-making, neuroeconomics20012007 P Read Montague (grad student)
Hongmei Li Hui Zheng (post-doc)
Tongchao Li Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Andy Groves (grad student)
Hongyan Liretina
Zhe LiComputational Neuroscience
Minhua Li2020 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Janghoo Lim Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Angelique Lin20142016 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Deborah M. Littlecategory learning, aging, dementia
Troy LittletonDrosophila synapse19951997 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Xu Liulearning and memory20022008 Ronald L. Davis (grad student)
Lucy LiuNeurodegeneration, Lipid metabolism, neuron glia communication, Drosophila, mice20122017 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Gary LiuNeuroscience, Developmental Biology20152019 Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Colleen Longley2017 Mingshan Xue (grad student)
Brad LosavioSynaptic integration Peter Saggau (grad student)
Hui-Chen LumGluR5 receptors19972003 Michael C. Crair (post-doc)
Shenzhao Luneuroscience, human genetics, precision medicine
Li LuSpatial navigation, Hippocampus, Entorhinal Cortex Neuroscience20162019 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Farah LubinMolecular Neuroscience J. David Sweatt (post-doc), Anne E. Anderson (post-doc)
Charles LuetjeReceptor function, olfactory system James Patrick (post-doc)
Ellen A. LumpkinSensory Physiology, Biophysics/ion Channels, Synapses and Circuits, Cell Specification and Differentiation, Mechanosensory Transduction in Mammalian Touch Receptors
Cindy Ly20032008 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Justin Ma Ophthalmology Benjamin J. Frankfort (post-doc)
Jeffrey C. MageeDendritic information processing Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Christina Magyar Genetics and Genomics2021 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (grad student)
Atul MaheshwariNeuropharmacology, Pharmaco-EEG, Epilepsy, ADHD20102011 Jeffrey L. Noebels (post-doc)
Sari Brenner Mahon William (Bill) R. Brinkley (grad student)
Timothy R. MahoneySynaptic Function and Neurodegeneration2008 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
James Joseph Mahoney, IIIAddiction Neuroscience Richard De La Garza, II (grad student)
James Jeffrey MancusoSynaptic circuitry, Microscopy, Neurodegeneration20042009 Theodore G. Wensel (grad student), Peter Saggau (collaborator)
Shailaja K. Mani College of Medicine Beverly S. Chilton (research scientist)
Kailin Mao Pediatrics-Neurology2022 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (post-doc)
Dun MaoSpatial navigation/memory Neuroscience2017 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Graeme MardonDrosophila and Vertebrate eye development
Stephen MaricichChild Neurology20082009 Karl Herrup (grad student), Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc), Scott A. Wellnitz (collaborator)
Laura Marsh
Cynthia Massaad20052006 Eric Klann (post-doc)
Doug B. Matthews
Brandi J. MattsonAddiction, reward, decision-making, microcircuits2007 P Read Montague (post-doc)
John HR MaunsellVision
Helga MazyarVisual system Neuroscience20102012 Wei Ji Ma (research assistant)
Carrie McAdamsEating Disorders; Neuroimaging; Identity John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Samuel M. McClureNeuroeconomics P Read Montague (grad student)
Matthew J. McGinleyauditory system
Christopher McGraw Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Bruce E. McKayneurophysiology20062008 John A. Dani (post-doc)
Andrew M. MckinneyElectrophysiology Neuroscience2022 Andreas S. Tolias (post-doc)
David McKinnonIon channels, evolution, regulation of gene expression19871989 James Patrick (post-doc)
Ian A. McLaughlinNeuroscience2011 Mariella De Biasi (grad student)
Rory McQuistonModulation of inhibitory interneurons20002002 Peter Saggau (post-doc)
Anthony R. Meanscell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function William (Bill) R. Brinkley (collaborator)
Javier F. MedinaLearning and memory in cerebellar circuits
Sunil MehtaNeurodevelopment20002005 Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Thomas J. MeliaMacroautophagy, autophagy Biochemistry19921999 Theodore G. Wensel (grad student)
Xiangling MengNeuroscience20112018 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Jessica Messier Neuroscience20152018 Mingshan Xue (grad student)
Jochen F. Meyervisual system, epilepsy, systems neuroscience Neuroscience Neurology20152015 Stelios M. Smirnakis (post-doc), Jeffrey L. Noebels (research scientist)
Renee' Michalski
Sydney Michener
George Miesegaes Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Tamara Milakovic Hui Zheng (post-doc)
David Miller19801983 Henry F. Epstein (post-doc)
Sarah S. Mire Robin P. Kochel (grad student)
Bartley Mitchell
Yalda MoayediSensory systems, somatosensation Neuroscience Neuroscience20112013 Graeme Mardon (grad student), Andy Groves (grad student)
David L. MolfeseMemory, Histones, Behavior20032008 J. David Sweatt (grad student)
P Read MontagueComputation
Pendleton Read Montague JrComputational Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Social Exchange
Paolo Moretti Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Mayra MoriEpilepsy, neurodegeneration Jeffrey L. Noebels (grad student)
Jacqueline K. Morris Cell Biology19901996 JoAnne Stewart Richards (grad student)
Dennis R. MosierSynaptic transmission, ALS, myasthenia gravis19931994 Enrico Stefani (post-doc)
Elizabeth H MossOlfaction, behavioral states Molecular and human genetics Benjamin R. Arenkiel (post-doc)
Shalaka Mulherkar Kimberley Tolias (post-doc)
Rebecca Murdaugh20142021 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Dona K. Murphey John HR Maunsell (grad student), Ryan T. Ash (collaborator), Benjamin R. Arenkiel (post-doc)
Sahana Murthy
Brian NadinPotassium Channels20042009 Paul Pfaffinger (grad student), J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Daisuke Nakada Margaret A. Goodell (collaborator)
Anjana Narayanan Kimberley Tolias (grad student)
Aislyn M. Nelson2008 Ellen A. Lumpkin (grad student)
Katharine Hayley NelsonBehavioral Pharmacology; Psychopharmacology Pediatric Oncology M Waleed Gaber (research assistant)
Jeffrey Neul Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Mary NewsomeCognitive neuropsychology
Thomas Frederick NewtonAddiction Neuroscience Christopher D. Verrico (collaborator)
David A. NielsenPsychiatric Genetics Psychiatry2008 Thomas Richard Kosten (research scientist)
Sanyong Niu Kimberley Tolias (post-doc)
Jeffrey L. NoebelsNeurogenetics, Basic Mechanisms of Epilepsy
Jeff Noebels
Riittta NoloDrosophila neuro19962001 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Bert W. O'MalleyHormone Action and Gene Expression: Coactivators and Corepressors
Hyuntaek OhfMRI, TMS, Brain electrophysiology, multisensory integration Neuroscience2017 Jeffrey M. Yau (post-doc)
Shogo Ohmae2012 Javier F. Medina (post-doc)
Mikiko OkaNeurodegeneration, Metabolism, Discovery of rare disease-associated genes Department of Molecular and Human Genetics2022 Shinya Yamamoto (post-doc)
Puneet OpalNeurodegeneration, Neurology Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Joshua Ortiz- Guzman Developmental Biology Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Mario G Oyolaneuroscience, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, stress, traumatic brain injury, sex differences, imaging Molecular and Cellular Biology/Neuroscience Neuroscience Shailaja K. Mani (grad student), Mariella De Biasi (grad student), Yong Xu (collaborator)
Sarah L. PallasDevelopmental neurobiology, sensory physiology, synaptic plasticity, neural networks
Jijie Pang Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
T. Dorina PapageorgiouNeuroimaging; real-time fMRI neurofeedback; visual neuro-rehabilitation; speech neuro-rehabilitation
Kartik S. PappuAxon guidance and targeting19992004 Graeme Mardon (grad student)
Robert Pardue William (Bill) R. Brinkley (post-doc)
Neelroop Parikshaktranscriptomics, human genetics, neurological diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders20042006 Peter Saggau (research assistant)
Jeehye Park Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Brent D. ParsonsTime Perception, Visual Neuroscience Neuroscience20102011 David Eagleman (research assistant)
Akash J. PatelNeurosurgery, Neurosurgical Oncology, Genetics, Functional Neurosurgery20102011 Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Jay Patel Neuroscience Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Saumil Surendra PatelVisual neuroscience, Eye movements, Visual Psychophysics Neuroscience19922010 Peter Saggau (research assistant)
James PatrickSynaptic Transmission
Jim Harold Pattonpsychpharmacology, impulsivity19731978 John Charles Flynn (grad student)
Maimuna Paul2019 Hsiao-Tuan Chao (post-doc)
Robia G. Pautler
Phillip Pearl Neurology Marvin A. Fishman (grad student)
Steen E. Pedersen
Erica Peethumnongsin Hui Zheng (grad student)
Brandon Pekarek Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Xinmiao Peng Department of Neuroscience20042006 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Mark PennesiOphthalmology20012003 Seung-Yun Yoo (collaborator), Samuel M. Wu (grad student)
Daniel Pepper William (Bill) R. Brinkley (grad student)
Erika PerezNicotine Addiction2006 Mariella De Biasi (grad student)
Edward Perez-ReyesVoltage-gated Calcium Channels Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc)
Carlos J Perez-TorresMRI, neuroscience, radiobiology Robia G. Pautler (grad student)
Paola Perinhair cells, cerebellum, neuronal models19931994 Arthur M. Brown (research assistant)
Brian D. Perkinsretinal development19962000 Theodore G. Wensel (grad student)
Simon P. PeronBarrel cortex, Calcium imaging20022008 Fabrizio Gabbiani (grad student)
George PerryAlzheimer's disease, oxidative stress, cytoskeleton19791982 William (Bill) R. Brinkley (post-doc)
Paul PfaffingerPotassium Channels
Jessica Pfliger
Lidong Liu, Ph.D.
Priyamvada Pitale Ophthalmology2019 Benjamin J. Frankfort (post-doc)
Xaq Pitkow
Andon PlaczekAddiction, synaptic plasticity, neuronal excitability, nicotinic receptors, cellular rejuvenation20052010 John A. Dani (post-doc)
Daniel T. PlasVisual System Development19982005 Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Ross Anthony PocheRetina, Developmental Genetics, Stem Cells
Ankith Pokkuluri Ophthalmology2023 Benjamin J. Frankfort (research scientist)
Gregory M Pontone Psychiatry Laura Marsh (grad student)
Nicholas P. Pooloscellular neurophysiology, epilepsy Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Craig M. PowellLearning and Memory, Mouse Models of Autism19891994 J. David Sweatt (grad student), Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Maria Polo Prieto Ophthalmology2020 Benjamin J. Frankfort (research scientist)
Fish Kunxun Qian Neuroscience2019 Jeffrey C. Magee (grad student)
Jing Qian Jeffrey L. Noebels (post-doc)
Cuie Qiu
Kathleen B. Quast Benjamin R. Arenkiel (post-doc)
Imran H. QuraishiEpilepsy, Neurophysiology, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology, Ion Channels
Shoaibur RahmanSystems Neuroscience Neuroscience Jeffrey M. Yau (grad student)
Juan Carlos RamirezSomatosensory Neuroscience2022 Jeffrey M. Yau (grad student)
Melissa RamockiNeurogenetics Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Matthew N. RasbandNeuroscience
Joshua M. Rasband Neuroscience2023 Javier F. Medina (grad student)
Thomas A RavenscroftDrosophila Neurobiology Molecular and Human Genetics2016 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Russell Scott Ray
Jacob ReimerVision, Brain States, Attention2010 Andreas S. Tolias (post-doc)
Gang RenSingle-molecule 3D structure Biochemistry20042006 Wah Chiu (research scientist)
Fredy D. ReyesVision, electrophysiology, learning and memory20102013 Stelios M. Smirnakis (post-doc)
Khosrow RezvaniNicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Trafficking Mariella De Biasi (post-doc)
Stephen Fringy RichardsGene sequencing
Erik RobersonNeurodegenerative Disease19911997 J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Gregg RomanEthanol Tolerance, Memory Formation, Exploration Molecular and Cellular Biology Ronald L. Davis (post-doc)
Dany RomanVisual System; Retina; Retinal Degeneration Pathology and Immunology20152019 Graeme Mardon (grad student), Rui Chen (collaborator)
Matthew Frederick RoseNeurodevelopment20032008 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Maxime W. Rousseaux Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Melissa Ann Rudymolecular neuroscience, axon injury, axon regeneration Neurosurgery2021 Trent Alan Watkins (grad student)
Paul A. RuteckiEpilepsy Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Ignacio SaezDecision-making, human electrophysiology20102012 Michael Friedlander (grad student), P Read Montague (post-doc)
Peter SaggauOptical Engineering, Synaptic Physiology
Yusuke Saito20112015 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
Yasunari Sakai Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Alicia Rebecca SalamoneNeurodegenerative Disorders2006 Paul E. Schulz (research assistant)
Ramiro SalasAddiction, Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Mariella De Biasi (post-doc), Richard De La Garza, II (collaborator)
Jose L. Salazar Department of Molecular and Human Genetics2021 Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Rodney Samaco Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Alvaro Sanchez-LopezOculomotor System, Sleep, EEG Neuroscience2018 Javier F. Medina (post-doc)
Alexander J. SandweissPediatric Neurology, Neuroimmunology, Multiple Sclerosis, Opiate Reward, TBI, Migraine
Ricky R SavjanifMRI, subcortical vision, TBI Neuroscience Neuroscience David Ress (grad student), David Eagleman (grad student)
Raymond Sawaya
Christian Schaaf Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Andrew V. SchallyEndocrinology19571962 Roger Guillemin (collaborator), Roger Guillemin (post-doc)
Tatiana T. Schnurlanguage
Paul E. SchulzNeurodegenerative Disorders Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Brandon Schwechter Kimberley Tolias (grad student)
Philippe Seguela James Patrick (post-doc)
Joel C. Selcher J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Jennifer SeleverNeurodevelopment
Anne B. SerenoVision19921995 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Faridis Serrano20022006 Eric Klann (post-doc)
Mala M. ShahCellular neurophysiology Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Ruchir Shah Michael C. Crair (grad student)
Mona D. Shahbazian19972002 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Yu-Yau ShanCortical circuits, Brain state modulation, Machine learning, Circadian rhythms
Sudha Sharma Neuroscience2022 Javier F. Medina (post-doc)
William Sheers
David L. Sheinberg19931997 Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc)
Shan ShenVisual system Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Guofu Shen Ophthalmology Benjamin J. Frankfort (post-doc)
Xiangguo Shi2016 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
David J. ShimAlzheimer's Disease, Neurodegeneration, NF-kappaB2006 Hui Zheng (grad student)
Hongsup Shin20102016 Wei Ji Ma (grad student)
Harold David Shinespinal cord injury
Toni ShippenbergDrug addiction Harold L. Altshuler (grad student)
Jennifer J. Siegel Neuroscience2018 Javier F. Medina (post-doc)
Roy V. SillitoeCerebellum, circuit formation
Manuel Silva-PérezEEG, sleep, oculomotor activity, Alzheimer's disease Neuroscience2020 Jeannie Chin (post-doc)
David L. Simons
Fabian Sinzsensory systems; computational neuroscience2015 Andreas S. Tolias (post-doc)
James E. SkinnerCortical and Thalamic Physiology
George J. Snipes
Elizabeth M. SoetyClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology Harvey S. Levin (grad student)
Alireza SoltaniComputational Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience 20092011 P Read Montague (post-doc)
David L. SparksOculomotor system
Thomas C. SpragueCognitive vision, visual working memory, attention, computational neuroimaging20072010 David Eagleman (research assistant)
Nelson Spruston19851991 Daniel Johnston (grad student)
Matthew S. StanfordPsychophysiology of aggression Jim Harold Patton (grad student)
Trace L. StayCerebellum, vestibular processing20132019 Roy V. Sillitoe (grad student), Dora Angelaki (grad student), Roy V. Sillitoe (grad student), Dora Angelaki (grad student)
Joshi Stephen
Gabriel S. StephensAlzheimer's Disease, Excitotoxicity, Neurobiology Neuroscience2016 Jeannie Chin (grad student)
Loredana Stoicalearning and memory2008 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (grad student)
Janet StringerEpilepsy
Manivannan SubramaniyanVisual Perception Andreas S. Tolias (grad student)
Brennan James Sullivan Neuroscience2021 Jeffrey C. Magee (grad student)
John W. Swannepilepsy
Jessica Swanson Molecular & Human Genetics Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Makiko Takeichi20132015 Daisuke Nakada (post-doc)
Tao TanStress; Autism; Alzheimer's Diseases; Electrophysiology; Ion channel; rTMS
Jeff Tan
Dharol Tankersleypsychiatric neuroscience2009 Pearl H. Chiu (grad student)
Mohamed Tawfik
Maria V. Tejada-Simon20012006 Eric Klann (research scientist)
Yanfen TengNicotinic Receptor Trafficking2006 Mariella De Biasi (grad student)
Burak TepeNeural Development, Genome editing Program in Developmental Biology Molecular and Human Genetics20192019 Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Samantha J Thompson Neurology2018 Jeffrey L. Noebels (grad student)
Jonathan Tiessen2019 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Claudia K TischlerNeuroscience
Kimberley ToliasSynapse development, Rho GTPase signaling
Seth M. TomchikLearning & memory, Drosophila20072012 Ronald L. Davis (post-doc)
Steffie N. TomsonSynesthesia, Functional Connectivity, Genetics
Zoe Tramel20152017 Keith Syson Chan (research assistant)
Nicholas M Tran
Stefan TreueVisual System John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Dennis Yan-yin Tseretina, glaucoma, myopia2011 Samuel M. Wu (post-doc)
Yu-Jung Tseng20172022 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Michal Tyrlik
Christopher P. Tzeng Neuroscience20102012 Kimberley Tolias (research assistant)
Desey Tziortzis Richard De La Garza, II (grad student)
Kyongmi UmSynapse development, Rho GTPase signaling2007 Kimberley Tolias (grad student)
Erica L. Underwood Qi Wu (post-doc)
Kevin Ung Program in Developmental Biology Benjamin R. Arenkiel (grad student)
Nancy Bowman Upton Jim Harold Patton (grad student)
Ronald van den Bergvisual perception, Bayesian models20092012 Wei Ji Ma (post-doc)
Mark F. A. VanBerkumAxon guidance1991 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Antonius M. VanDongenNMDA receptors, Therapeutics, Systems Biology, Memory19881991 Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc)
Andrew William VargaSynaptic plasticity, Sleep19982003 J. David Sweatt (grad student)
Don A. VaughnSocial Neuroscience, Psychophysics, MRI20082012 David Eagleman (research scientist)
Eric R VaughnMolecular and Behavioral Neuroscience20152016 Benjamin R. Arenkiel (research assistant)
Gabriel E. Vázquez-VélezParkinson's disease Human and Molecular Genetics20142018 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
José Vergara de la FuenteSystems Neuroscience
Christopher D. VerricoAddiction Neuroscience
Melissa A. VollrathNeurobiology19952002 Ruth Anne Eatock (grad student)
Edgar Y. Walker20122019 Wei Ji Ma (grad student)
Baiping Wang Hui Zheng (post-doc)
Zilai Wang Hui Zheng (grad student)
Vincent WangNeurosurgery19982003 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Chia-Chuan Wang19992000 Robert W. Gereau (post-doc)
Xinjun wangInhibitory microcircuit
Lingyan Wang Neuroscience Jeffrey M. Yau (grad student)
Li Wang Molecular and Human Genetics20122018 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Wei Wang20202022 Jun Wang (grad student)
Michael WanglerPeroxisomes Molecular and Human Genetics Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Christopher Ward Jeffrey Neul (grad student), Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Shigeo WatanabeCellular Neurophysiology Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Charles A. Weaver IIIMemory, Prospective Memory, Metacognition
Edwin J. Weebercellular and molecular mechanisms involved in learning and memory19982003 J. David Sweatt (post-doc)
Scott A. WellnitzTeaching20102011 Ellen A. Lumpkin (grad student), Michael C. Crair (grad student), Steen E. Pedersen (post-doc), Robia G. Pautler (post-doc), Daniel Kim (post-doc)
Theodore G. Wenselretina, TRP channels, RGS proteins, GPCR (dopamine, mGluR),fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy, lanthanide luminscence, cryo-EM
Matt WestonNeuroscience2004 Christian Rosenmund (grad student)
Joshua J. Whitecerebellum, motor development Neuroscience20102016 Roy V. Sillitoe (grad student)
Mary Wiese Hui Zheng (grad student)
Kayla Wilwayco20232024 Harim Delgado-Seo (research assistant)
Greg Wojaczynski Neuroscience2015 Javier F. Medina (post-doc)
Junsung Woo Center for Cell & Gene Therapy2018 Benjamin Deneen (post-doc)
Julian R. A. Wooltorton20032006 Ruth Anne Eatock (post-doc)
Parker Wray Richard De La Garza, II (research assistant)
Tao P. WuEpigenetics, Genetics, Cancer Biology, Genomics
Ling-Gang WuSynaptic transmission19911994 Peter Saggau (grad student)
Gangyi Wu Shurong Wang (grad student)
Samuel M. Wuretina
Qi WuFeeding
Gufeng Xu Ching Ching Lau (post-doc)
Yong Xu Joel Elmquist (grad student)
Pingwen XuAppetite control, estrogen receptors Pediatrics20112018 Yong Xu (post-doc)
Mingshan Xue20042009 Christian Rosenmund (grad student)
Shigeru Yamaguchi Ching Ching Lau (post-doc)
Shinya YamamotoGenetics, Drosophila, Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases, Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, Developmental Biology Department of Molecular and Human Genetics20052012 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Tianming YangDecision making, Visual system, Learning & Memory19972003 John HR Maunsell (grad student)
Li Yang Hui Zheng (post-doc)
Dongni Yang
Kechun Yangdrug addiction
Sheng-An Yang Department of Molecular and Human Genetics2022 Shinya Yamamoto (post-doc)
Jeffrey M. Yausensory systems, touch, multisensory processing, body representations
Arman Yazdian Ophthalmology2023 Benjamin J. Frankfort (research scientist)
Mark YeckelCellular Neurophysiology Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Michael Joseph YetmanAlzheimer's, neurogenesis2009 Joanna L. Jankowsky (grad student)
Seung-Yun Yoo19972003 Huda Y. Zoghbi (grad student)
Jong Yoo Neurogenetics20042009 Jeffrey L. Noebels (research assistant)
Ahmad YoonessiVisual System, Vestibular System Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Daniel Yoshor
Daniel YoshorHuman electrophysiology, visual system20062008 Mario F. Dulay (collaborator), Robert Grossman (grad student)
Jason You Jeannie Chin (grad student)
Juan L. YoungEpigenetics, Mecp2, Autism20012005 Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
LiLian YuanDendritic function; Cortico-limbic connectivity; Prefrotnal cortex; Hippocampus, Daniel Johnston (post-doc)
Adam ZaidelMultisensory Processing20102014 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Bing ZhangDrosophila synapse19971999 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Hui ZhengAlzheimer's Disease
Jing Zhou2021 Daisuke Nakada (grad student)
Michael Xi Zhu Lutz Birnbaumer (post-doc)
Jeffrey Zhu Neuroscience2022 Melanie A. Samuel (grad student)
Yan Zhu Neurophysiology Ophthalmology2020 Zheng Jiang (post-doc)
Ping Jun Zhulearning and memory2008 Mauro Costa-Mattioli (research scientist)
Huda Y. ZoghbiSCA1, SCA7, Rett's syndrome, and Math119851988 Arthur L. Beaudet (post-doc), Marvin A. Fishman (post-doc)
Xiaowei ZouTheoretical Neuroscience, Cognitive/Systems Neuroscience, Brain Imaging, Systems and Circuits