Susan Y Bookheimer

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Learning & Memory, Neuroimaging
"Susan Y Bookheimer"
Mean distance: 13.76 (cluster 15)


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Bianca Hoang-Dang research assistant 2017- UCLA
Jennifer D. Townsend research assistant 2002-2008 UCLA
Timothy Kwan Ly research assistant 2017-2020 UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (Gerontology Family Tree)
Ahmad R. Hariri grad student UCLA
Karen J Miller grad student
Ashley Scott Van Zeeland grad student UCLA
Norman M. Spivak grad student 2022- UCLA
Michael M. Zeineh grad student 2001 UCLA
Alison C. Burggren grad student 2004 UCLA
Fred W. Sabb grad student 2005 UCLA
Meredith N. Braskie grad student 2001-2006 UCLA
Nanthia A. Suthana grad student 2009 UCLA
Leigh N. Sepeta grad student 2010 UCLA (LinguisTree)
Jesse A. Brown grad student 2008-2013 UCLA
Salvatore J. Torrisi grad student 2009-2013 UCLA
Mirella Dapretto post-doc UCLA
Arne D. Ekstrom post-doc UCLA
Jamie D. Feusner post-doc UCLA
Matthew Dylan Lieberman post-doc UCLA
Christopher Benjamin post-doc 2012- UCLA
PK Douglas research scientist
Taylor P. Kuhn research scientist UCLA - School of Medicine
Teena D. Moody research scientist UCLA
Monika Połczyńska-Blestsos research scientist


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Gary W. Small collaborator UCLA
Mark S. Cohen collaborator 1993- UCLA
Katherine S. Damme collaborator 2014-
BETA: Related publications


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Tsang T, Green SA, Liu J, et al. (2024) Salience network connectivity is altered in 6-week-old infants at heightened likelihood for developing autism. Communications Biology. 7: 485
Cakar ME, Okada NJ, Cummings KK, et al. (2024) Functional connectivity of the sensorimotor cerebellum in autism: associations with sensory over-responsivity. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15: 1337921
Cummings KK, Jung J, Zbozinek TD, et al. (2023) Shared and distinct biological mechanisms for anxiety and sensory over-responsivity in youth with autism versus anxiety disorders. Journal of Neuroscience Research
Cakar ME, Cummings KK, Bookheimer SY, et al. (2023) Age-related changes in neural responses to sensory stimulation in autism: a cross-sectional study. Molecular Autism. 14: 38
Kress GT, Popa ES, Thompson PM, et al. (2023) Preliminary validation of a structural magnetic resonance imaging metric for tracking dementia-related neurodegeneration and future decline. Neuroimage. Clinical. 39: 103458
Kuhn T, Spivak NM, Dang BH, et al. (2023) Transcranial focused ultrasound selectively increases perfusion and modulates functional connectivity of deep brain regions in humans. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 17: 1120410
Wagner L, Banchik M, Okada NJ, et al. (2023) Associations between thalamocortical functional connectivity and sensory over-responsivity in infants at high likelihood for ASD. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Sanders AFP, Harms MP, Kandala S, et al. (2023) Age-related differences in resting-state functional connectivity from childhood to adolescence. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Hernandez LM, Kim M, Hernandez C, et al. (2022) Decoupling Sleep and Brain Size in Childhood: An Investigation of Genetic Covariation in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 3: 139-148
Jacokes Z, Jack A, Sullivan CAW, et al. (2022) Linear discriminant analysis of phenotypic data for classifying autism spectrum disorder by diagnosis and sex. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 1040085
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