Leon Schjoedt, Ph.D.

2002 University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
"Leon Schjoedt"
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David B. Balkin grad student 2002 CU Boulder
 (Entrepreneurial job satisfaction: An empirical investigation of the situational, dispositional, and interactional approaches to entrepreneurs' job satisfaction.)
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Schjoedt L, Monsen E, Pearson A, et al. (2013) New Venture and Family Business Teams: Understanding Team Formation, Composition, Behaviors, and Performance Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. 37: 1-15
Schjoedt L. (2013) The influence of work-and-family conflict on male entrepreneurs’ life satisfaction: a comparison of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 26: 45-65
Balkin DB, Schjoedt L. (2012) The role of organizational cultural values in managing diversity: Learning from the French Foreign Legion Organizational Dynamics. 41: 44-51
Schjoedt L. (2009) Entrepreneurial Job Characteristics: An Examination of Their Effect on Entrepreneurial Satisfaction1: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 33: 619-644
Schjoedt L, Kraus S. (2009) Entrepreneurial teams: definition and performance factors Management Research News. 32: 513-524
Markman GD, Balkin DB, Schjoedt L. (2001) Governing the innovation process in entrepreneurial firms The Journal of High Technology Management Research. 12: 273-293
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