Michele L. Swift, Ph.D.

2007 Business University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Management Business Administration, Organizational
"Michele Swift"
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David B. Balkin grad student 2007 CU Boulder
 (The social exchange of knowledge: The role of knowledge goal orientations in shaping knowledge source sharing behaviors.)
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Swift ML, Virick M. (2013) Perceived Support, Knowledge Tacitness, and Provider Knowledge Sharing Group and Organization Management. 38: 717-742
Baldridge DC, Swift ML. (2013) Withholding Requests for Disability Accommodation: The Role of Individual Differences and Disability Attributes Journal of Management. 39: 743-762
Swift M, Balkin DB, Matusik SF. (2010) Goal orientations and the motivation to share knowledge Journal of Knowledge Management. 14: 378-393
Balkin D, Swift M. (2006) Top management team compensation in high-growth technology ventures Human Resource Management Review. 16: 1-11
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